The Future Past Tour 2024

I wonder how often musicians get their hearing tested? I'm 35 and my right ear has some loss at higher frequencies due to playing in a band with no hearing protection plus all the gigs i've been too.
I work in music education and get tested every 5 years or so. It probably should be more often. At least I am provided with ear plugs. I’ve been wearing ear plugs at gigs since I was 16 and I can’t ever imagine not doing it. Everything is just clearer and quieter. Plus I can hear the next day.
Bruce shouldn't be touching that guitar again, as he almost broke the neck on this black strat himself (when he botched the throw of it to Janick's guitar tech somewhere in 1999 during Hallowed).

I think @GhostofCain was at that gig...

Correct! That happened during the encore on the Ed Hunter tour gig in Leganés, Madrid (Spain). Janick had a face like thunder when Bruce threw the guitar and it landed on the floor.
There used to be a video of it, but it sadly ceased to exist.

I think the black CS Strat went out of tune, so Janick left it on the floor and went to grab one of the white ones. Bruce saw that, picked it up and tried to throw it to the tech. Unfortunately, he was standing on the cable and the Strat came crashing down half way during the flight towards Janick's tech.

It was one of the funniest IM clips on YouTube. The pantomime and the expressions were pure gold, while Nicko, Steve, Adrian and Dave just rock out in the background like nothing happened. Shame that it's gone, because it could've been upscaled now with AI.
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There used to be a video of it, but it sadly ceased to exist.

I think the black CS Strat went out of tune, so Janick left it on the floor and went to grab one of the white ones. Bruce saw that, picked it up and tried to throw it to the tech. Unfortunately, he was standing on the cable and the Strat came crashing down half way during the flight towards Janick's tech.

It was one of the funniest IM clips on YouTube. The pantomime and the expressions were pure gold, while Nicko, Steve, Adrian and Dave just rock out in the background like nothing happened. Shame that it's gone, because it could've been upscaled now with AI.

You remember the incident exactly as it happened.
BTW the tempos during Sydney 1 were borderline ridiculous for their age. And not in a good way. Nicko didn't have a particulary good night . Middle part of FOTD (post solos) they were struggling to keep with the tempo they have chosen at the beginning. Some songs seem like they are on the verge of collapsing.
Ridiculous for their age? I don't think that's fair, especially to Nicko. Some songs performances (Heaven, Fear, Trooper, Wasted... the last one never sounded good being the last song) will vary from show to show, but that's normal now. The performances were nice overall. Edit: I hear that the groove of some songs sounds like it could fall apart, but it could be slower you know, especially attempting the fills. It all depends on Nicko, they have to carefully choose the songs next year, but then again - they can't play mostly mid-tempo/slower songs, or?
Bruce tempo issue is not a monitor problem. This happened a few times since last legacy tour leg. Also happened during mandrake solo tour.
Then what's the issue??
I think its obvious. Its because this song has or had an impact and nicko is currently playing it with less power.
This, unfortunately. Will they release a live video from this tour. It would be crazy not to.
I don't really understand why of all the songs in the setlist they suddenly struggle with the classics they have played a million times.
Because Fear Of The Dark's studio tempo is fast.
is it time to iron maiden do a 1h show?
No. They just need to pick the right songs, especially for the encore.
That's probably the only problem I have with the future past tour - one of the best solos being drowned out night after night by pointless commentary. :-)
And no Parchment...
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Ridiculous for their age? I don't think that's fair, especially to Nicko. Some songs performances (Heaven, Fear, Trooper, Wasted) will vary from show to show, but that's normal now. The performances were nice overall. It all depends on Nicko, they have to carefully choose the songs next year, but then again - they can't play mostly mid-tempo/slower songs, or?
They picked a tempo that is too fast. And at the age they are at, it seemed like a train that is about to get de-railed due to speed.

I guess you don't play in a band. To an untrained ear, it might seem like things are fine. But during Sydney 1, I heard how much they were on the verge of falling apart due to too fast tempos on some songs. I actually cringed how near disaster it was.

Let me try and explain. You start to play a song. Burn by Purple is a good example. Great riff combined by adrenalin, you bump it up for 5-10 BPM... It doesn't make any major difference... Until the solo, which is 10 times harder to play thanks to those 5-10 BPM more.

That's what happened with FOTD during Sydney show one. Verses sounded great, but the part after the solos borderline fell apart. It could be heard. There could be various things that contributed to that, but I think it's Nicko's limited ability to do fills while playing cross-sticked patterns on the hi-hat at certain faster tempos (that's why he sticks to the ride cymbal even more now and plays the hi-hat only when really necessary).

Anyways, still recovering Nicko takes a lot of restrain in tempos. If they play the songs too fast, disaster (band completely falling apart) can happen. During Sydney 1 they picked too fast tempos for Nicko (or Nicko picked them). Luckily, Sydney 2 was much better.

Auckland looks like it was a blast. Probably one of the best versions of Wasted Years on the whole Future Past tour.

Also, you can se Adrian signaling to Nicko that he is doing a great job with it at 5:58 in the video. It seems like they had some conversations after Sydney night 1 and that resulted in vast improvement. Also no delayed main riff between Janick and Adrian.

Auckland looks like it was a blast. Probably one of the best versions of Wasted Years on the whole Future Past tour.

Also, you can se Adrian signaling to Nicko that he is doing a great job with it at 5:58 in the video. It seems like they had some conversations after Sydney night 1 and that resulted in vast improvement. Also no delayed main riff between Janick and Adrian.
It sounds like they stopped adding an extra harmony to the Trooper melody, when did that happen? I always liked how it came in on the second half.