The Future Past Tour 2024

My take:

The Ressurection of the Beast
50 Anniversary Tour 2025

1. Different World
2. 2 Minutes to Midnight
3. Wrathchild
4. The Trooper
5. Still Life
6. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
7. Out of the Silent Planet
8. Hallowed Be Thy Name
9. Flight of Icarus
10. Powerslave
11. The Number of the Beast
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Wasted Years
15. Blood Brothers
16. From Here to Eternity

This would absolutely satisfy my taste, also would be a perfect send off tour IMO

The Ides of March tape
1. Wrathchild
2. The Trooper
3. 22 Acacia Avenue(Bruce speech introducing this song not being played since 2003)
4. Sun and Steel
5. Infinite Dreams
6. Phantom of the Opera
7. Wasted Years
8. To Tame a Land
9. Powerslave
10. Alexander the Great
11. Hallowed be Thy Name
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. The Number of the Beast
15. The Clairvoyant
16. Running Free
The Ides of March tape
1. Wrathchild
2. The Trooper
3. 22 Acacia Avenue(Bruce speech introducing this song not being played since 2003)
4. Sun and Steel
5. Infinite Dreams
6. Phantom of the Opera
7. Wasted Years
8. To Tame a Land
9. Powerslave
10. Alexander the Great
11. Hallowed be Thy Name
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. The Number of the Beast
15. The Clairvoyant
16. Running Free
*Stares blankly at you for fifteen minutes straight until you add Futureal to this*
My take:

The Ressurection of the Beast
50 Anniversary Tour 2025

1. Different World
2. 2 Minutes to Midnight
3. Wrathchild
4. The Trooper
5. Still Life
6. Rime of the Ancient Mariner
7. Out of the Silent Planet
8. Hallowed Be Thy Name
9. Flight of Icarus
10. Powerslave
11. The Number of the Beast
12. Fear of the Dark
13. Iron Maiden
14. Wasted Years
15. Blood Brothers
16. From Here to Eternity

This would absolutely satisfy my taste, also would be a perfect send off tour IMO

I would be leaving the venue to catch the tube after song #14! Blood Brothers is the one song off Brave New World I would not want to see played live again (I like it but it is overplayed compared to the rest of the album) and From Here to Eternity is a sad attempt at writing an AC/DC song (and a failure at that).
Wasted Years definitely ranks high on my list of songs that I wouldn't get bored of if they were staples and frankly, I forgot what I was gonna say but it had something to do with it doesn't even matter if you're completely wasted, that song simply has that magic quality to it that makes it perfect no matter how rough it sounds. Your mind fills in the blanks.

I genuinely hope that this time it actually stays as the gig closing song for good because it sure as hell deserves that honor, far more than any RTTH or whatever ever could.
Although it’s unfortunate that Nicko’s stroke has affected his drumming abilities this tour, it’s not entirely a bad thing that some songs have been altered slightly.

I think for the Future Past live album (and all future live albums), it could be somewhat refreshing to hear the songs played in a slightly different way. Yes it’s hard to imagine The Trooper without the opening fills, but it’s something different. How many live recordings do we have with the same old fills and patterns?

I go back and forth between wanting Nicko to retire and have a replacement drummer, and wanting this lineup to be the last (and best) lineup. But when I really think about it, I can’t imagine Maiden without Nicko. It would feel wrong. It would feel more bleak. However, seeing today’s performance of The Prisoner in Melbourne, it gives me more hope that he will re gain some of those diminished abilities.
Bruce has said Maiden has plans through 2026 which we speculate will be a 2 year 50th anniversary tour. I could see Nicko (on his own accord) step down after that. He would tell the boys to carry on without him but I would guess it might be 50/50.
If it's one of their last tours, don't expect them to play many songs from 90's or some obscure post reunion songs. They will surely go Hits route. Rime and Powerslave would be ideal for me.
Neither of those were hits and the biggest hit they ever had was Bring Your Daughter and they haven’t played it in twenty years!
Yea but the song is undoubtedly one of their top 5 most famous. Doesn’t matter how the album did.
I just don't get the mentality of fans who just want to hear the same setlist/songs year after year after year. Though I do understand If you are seeing a band for the first time sure, you want to hear the hits/classics. That being said I don't mind hearing the classics as long as we get a few surprises, too.
If it's one of their last tours, don't expect them to play many songs from 90's or some obscure post reunion songs. They will surely go Hits route.
Ofc, 2-3 such songs at most, but apart from Number and 2 Minutes (I'm not really sure about Hallowed), the hits could be others again. I believe the next setlist will be interesting, again. I think they will drop all the SIT songs although they feel comfortable with some of then, and enough of Aces High, please. At this point, and Wrathchild will feel somewhat fresh. The possibilities with the rare Reunion and especially 90's songs are so much. They can choose 2-4 per tour and the material should be easier for Nicko, while some of the songs could sound great now. Bruce is incredible! Plus the popular deep cuts like Land, Infinite... the early material won't be touched I guess, apart from Phantom or Wrathchild (hope that's the case for Running and Sanctuary). There should be a slight focus on the 90's if it's a 50 years tour. Not to mention some of the great and forgotten songs from the Reunion era too. Can't wait.
I think it's time to open a show with Be Quick or Be Dead. Aces High is overplayed, and Bruce is having hard time with it. Caught Somewhere is great but it's obviously for Future Past. Enough of Moonchild too. Number of the Beast was a good surprise in Give Me Ed tour but not an ideal one to open. Wicker Man, Wildest Dreams or Different World etc wont work at a history tour. So it must be Be Quick. Please : )
Agreed. Btw, Wicker Man will work perfectly for such a tour, but because of Nicko they won't play it live again.
The difference for me is the intensity on drumming (obviously higher in 1986).
The intensity, and the flow/groove/whatever just isn't there. Wasted Years has such a special rhytm on the studio version, and they have always struggled a bit to capture it, but now it's just bad IMO.
Good point. The 2008 live version is the best for me. I like the 1999 one a lot too.
I understand it's a classic and a great song and all, but like they stopped playing Hallowed Be Thy Name and The Number of the Beast, they can stop playing Fear of the Dark.
That's exactly why they can't drop it. And it's one of their most famous songs. Plus it's not like they retired Number or even Hallowed. Just a break.
Remember Nicko doing the impression of them playing run to the hills when they're old on the death on the road dvd?
That again shows how hard is the job of the drummer, especially at this age for all the members really. We should be grateful.
I personally think it is a great song to close the show. Sometimes they get it right, sometimes they don’t, but it is one hell of a set closer.
For sure, but I think it is really overplayed now. That's not the case with Trooper for me. Idk why.
Wasted Years should be a strong candidate for the set closer (if not Hallowed) for their last tour. Just for the message of the song alone.
Hallowed, Wasted Years or Iron Maiden are my guesses.
Neither of those were hits...
Because they weren't singles... some of the best songs in metal!
I just don't get the mentality of fans who just want to hear the same setlist/songs year after year after year. Though I do understand If you are seeing a band for the first time sure, you want to hear the hits/classics. That being said I don't mind hearing the classics as long as we get a few surprises, too.
Bruce has said Maiden has plans through 2026 which we speculate will be a 2 year 50th anniversary tour. I could see Nicko (on his own accord) step down after that. He would tell the boys to carry on without him but I would guess it might be 50/50
Possible (and I hope Nicko continues to improve), but not that likely. Steve said they have no retirement plans, but who knows after 2026. I think they don't know yet, despite their habit of having plans in advance.
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It’s not though. That album stiffed, first one not to go Gold in the US since NOTB.
FOTD the song, not the album.
Maiden posted on social media that there is a chance to win a signed setlist or a vinyl by scanning those "Fan cards" they're giving at shows. The post had a picture of the singed setlist.

Reading the comments... inspired me. ;)

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As I said, I understand these are their greatest hits and all, and that there are people who are seeing them for the first time.
But for fuck's sake they are playing an opener they last played nearly FORTY years ago, they brought a song they have never played on stage at all despite having been recorded in 1986 (and that fans have been pleading for for decades), they played Stranger in a Strange Land again after 25 years (and btw, they had dropped it during the Ed Huntour). Me too would like a 3hrs set with both classics and rarities but guess what smart people, we don't make the setlist (THANK GOD) and in any case that wouldn't be possible.
Iron Maiden make music and shows for a living and the sands of time are running loooooooooooooooooooooooow for them but sometimes I wish they were more classist and strict in their audience choices.

I would argue that they are artists, not spotify playlist. I love classics as much as next guy BUT when going to live show I would like to experience something that I cannot get in any way. With classic songs we have houndreds of recordings but how many AotG we have in official, high quality, release? None. I get that crowd like songs that they know but again - you have spotify for that. If playing deep cuts make Maiden camp happy - by all means they should do that. But again - no matter the choice, someone always will be whining.