The Red and the Black
Ancient Mariner
Maiden should troll the fans on the first show of the tour by playing the “my son” intro, then going into Wrathchild.
If the intro-tape somehow got stuck during the wind sound, then Nicko could as well do the talk..before they launch into the song.Maiden should troll the fans on the first show of the tour by playing the “my son” intro, then going into Wrathchild.
Also, they've decided to trim the length down and so they will only play it as instrumental song lasting 2 and half minutes..only to get the crowd cheer at some certain points of the song.Or we hear the wind sound intro but they launch into When the Wild Wind Blows, a short rocker the "play classics" crowd really loves....
I think some are taking "we're discussing it" as "we are playing it". I would think they would be somewhat vague about and let it be a "surprise"I am reading online that Bruce confirmed they're gonna play ATG whilst doing his solo thing in Oslo last night. Anyone have a link?
Or we hear the wind sound intro but they launch into When the Wild Wind Blows, a short rocker the "play classics" crowd really loves....
couldn't agree more.Still don't understand why more fans are not more excited about the prospect of Sea of Madness being played again for the first time since 1987. I mean ATG is brilliant and all, but it's not as brilliant as SOM in my opinion.
ATG is SIT'S To Tame A Land and just as good, I feel, yet I also never hear fans demanding to hear that live with the same fervour that is reserved for ATG.
The prospect of Alexander being played is cool and all (though I agree with above, I'm really hoping Sea of Madness comes back), but I'm maybe more interested in what was said about his solo album. Anyone have a translation of the article?So apparantly Bruce let some information out wether or not the band is going to play Alexander the Great on this year's tour on his show in Oslo.
An Evening with Bruce Dickinson @ Sentrum Scene, Oslo
…det var så tett opp til standup som det er mulig å komme, og i tillegg at mannen nesten er like morsom som han er flink til å synge. Jeg tenkte mye Monty Python underveis – og hvis man…
I quote: "The evening was rounded off with some good old fashioned Q&A where the vast majority of the questions revolved around a new solo record and subsequent tour, where the answer was yes to thunderous cheers and whether Maiden was going to include "Alexander The Great" on the next tour where the answer was a little more expectant".
Now he didn't confirm it directly but I think it's extremely likely we're getting Alexander this year. What are your thoughts?
I searched for videos of the show in Oslo to see exactly what he said, but unfortunately I couldn't find any.
Sea of Madness is good but it's not top five of the SIT songs. In any case I don't think they will play it anyway.Still don't understand why more fans are not more excited about the prospect of Sea of Madness being played again for the first time since 1987. I mean ATG is brilliant and all, but it's not as brilliant as SOM in my opinion
It will be exactly five years since the last time I saw Maiden, and the third time I see them on the 28th of May. London 2017 and Helsinki 2018 being the two other times.Only 19 weeks and one day till the tour starts.
Still don't understand why more fans are not more excited about the prospect of Sea of Madness being played again for the first time since 1987. I mean ATG is brilliant and all, but it's not as brilliant as SOM in my opinion.
ATG is SIT'S To Tame A Land and just as good, I feel, yet I also never hear fans demanding to hear that live with the same fervour that is reserved for ATG.
Still don't understand why more fans are not more excited about the prospect of Sea of Madness being played again for the first time since 1987. I mean ATG is brilliant and all, but it's not as brilliant as SOM in my opinion.
I agree with him.Steve also thinks that a lot of bands have a few good songs, but not a whole good album.
''Death Of The Celts'' is a song that will shine live, but with so many long songs in the album, the chances are slim.Seriously, this is me being honest, everytime when I listen to Senjutsu-album (in full as always) when the song "Death of the Celts" starts, I can still imagine how well this song would work live in concert, especially the instrumental parts.
^ This. We have to hear exactly what Bruce said, but for once, fans can expect this ''surprise'' for real.I would think they would be somewhat vague about and let it be a "surprise"
If Stranger, Wasted, Alexander and (maybe) Heaven are a given, then they will have to choose between the title track and Sea for the 5th SIT song. Both are great songs with amazing instrumental sections. Sea was dropped in 1987 for the 2nd leg of the SIT tour and the title track is the cornerstone of the album, so I think they will want to play the latter, although it is a difficult song. But I don't think Sea is that impossible to be played live again; it's curious how the main riff would sound played by 3 guitars.In any case I don't think they will play it anyway.
Yep. And because ''Alexander The Great'' is an amazing song. I'm more excited to hear it than ''Sea Of Madness'' or ''To Tame A Land'' and it's the superior song imo.TTAL at least got played on the POM tour, ATG hasn never been played. That's why everyone wants to hear one of the Harris epics that never got the chance.
Spot on. Even the spoken intro of the song is perfect for live performances!Its instrumental part is up to this day the best cinematic music Steve has ever written and it deserves to be heard live. Last but not least this song contains the last spoken intro of Maiden's catalogue.
No seriously, just imagine: Darkness, silence, some distant cheering and then: My son, ask for thyself another kingdom, for that which I live
is too small for thee.
why do you think AtG is a lyrical disaster? it's one of the classic story telling history lesson 101 type of songs.Sea of Madness is a technical masterpiece but taste is not about technique and most people dislike it. Alexander the Great is a lyrical disaster but most people don't mind that at all.
Its instrumental part is up to this day the best cinematic music Steve has ever written and it deserves to be heard live. Last but not least this song contains the last spoken intro of Maiden's catalogue.
No seriously, just imagine: Darkness, silence, some distant cheering and then: My son, ask for thyself another kingdom, for that which I live
is too small for thee.
Goosebumps Plural form of goosebump
It's even in the dictionary, case closed!
- Reflex erection of hairs of the skin in response to cold or emotional stress or skin irritation.
- The bumps on a person's skin, at the base of body hair, which may involuntarily develop when that person is listening the spoken introduction of Alexander the Great from the venue's PA during The Future Past Tour 2023.
why do you think AtG is a lyrical disaster? it's one of the classic story telling history lesson 101 type of songs.
It's not the historicity aspect but its too prosaic without any catch to it. For me it is a lot more closer to cheesy power metal lyrics than to Maiden's or Harris' standard.
thanks for the explanation no5. yeah, i understand your approach. but you know, steve usually cares for how the words and lines sound, match the music, and all that phonetics, and to make it sound right he sometimes put the poetry or the historic info on the shadow. in that way, i find steve's lyrics in AtG very balanced. it's not easy to put all that "hard to pronounce" names, city names, years, titles etc and sound beautiful.History telling-wise it's all over the place, jumping fwd and then going backwards and again. Also there's no dive into the very interesting character of Alexander and there are many incidents to dive into: His meeting with Diogenes, Pythia, his misinterpretation of what the Oracle in Egypt told him, believing (or making believe) he's the son of Zeus, his gradual schizophrenia after that which made him kill some of his friends, (at least one of them with his own hands) and many more.
Alexander's life was quite interesting as he embodied ancient mythological figures, the closest a historian figure has been to god as Greek history is concerned, giving us a glimpse how Achilles or Hercules would have lived (he sacrificed to the altar of both in Troy and in Tyr, they were both his ancestors from his mother side). I see ATG as the bridge between history and Mythology really.
All in all very rich material to go in depth in an epic. And so I see it as a missed opportunity.
But even putting that aside, to quote a friend, old timer here from a discussion we had 2 days ago: