Last Son of The Miracle
So Sabaton were pretty great last night. Good focus on the newer material, which was handy for me as that's what I'm most familiar with, but I wasn't sure it was going down too well with some of the crowd, they didn't seem as into it as I was. I thought Christmas Truce was an odd one to close the set out with, thought it'd be more of a seasonal thing given the subject matter (obviously), plus I'd have preferred Valley of Death or Hellfighters from the same album in its place.
Openers were Lordi and Babymetal, didn't know either of them were still a thing to be honest. Caught Lordi's last few songs, they didn't leave much of an impression but were fine, I've heard worse. Like Babymetal, we left for the bar after three songs.
Highlights: Bismarck, The Last Stand, Sarajevo, Stormtroopers, Dreadnought, Father.
Openers were Lordi and Babymetal, didn't know either of them were still a thing to be honest. Caught Lordi's last few songs, they didn't leave much of an impression but were fine, I've heard worse. Like Babymetal, we left for the bar after three songs.

Highlights: Bismarck, The Last Stand, Sarajevo, Stormtroopers, Dreadnought, Father.