Did Hellfest at the weekend, I was there for Friday and Saturday.
Managed to have no spoilers for the set, bar obviously working out that Alexander would be played. Also all the SIT and Senjutsu tracks that I had an inkling would be played were played except for Death of the Celts which I thought had a chance but Parchment was what I thought was more likely. Would have never guessed in a million years for CIPWM and The Prisoner, and overall the set was pretty short on the "staples" with only 4 of the set regulars and even then Wasted Years isn't one of the most regulars.
Maiden were excellent, Bruce in particular, only slight hitch was H got lost in the Alexander solo, has that been happening much? Delighted that I have two more gigs to come.
Hellfest was a brilliantly organised festival, really enjoyed it, I would go back in future except it's pretty hard to get tickets. I only got in on the guest list as I know Def Leppard's sound engineer, but there's no way I would buy tickets for a gig before the line up is announced and that seems like the most likely way to get tickets.
Other bands that were good were British Lion, Skid Row and Def Leppard, only saw about half an hour of Motley as we had to drive back to Nantes and their set wasn't going to finish until 1am, but enjoyed what I saw. Some bands that I'm not a fan of that were a good watch were Alter Bridge, Powerwolf and especially Papa Roach, who I'm not a fan of musically but the frontman is so enthusiastic and good natured that you can't help but enjoy them.
Machine Gun Kelly has surpassed the Murderdolls to become the worst act I ever saw