TBOS Predictions

A touchy prediction perhaps:

I can't imagine that this album will be liked very much by the people who are over the moon by everything this current line-up has done.

Why? Because it will be much better.
How come? Because it will be different.

I can't know for sure, but the lack of Steve opposes the Stevized approach which the last four albums have shaped.

So to the people to whom this concerns: make some mental preparations.
*laughs maniacally, hides in the shadows and mutters "You've Got Another Thing Coming"*
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Goalposts moved, GK1.

I can only say that on the songs that B wrote with H (in Maiden and solo albums) there is none of the repetiveness seen once Steve is also contributing.
Proven false, so come up with new goal:

Funnily enough I did not find any of the choruses in the last three Bruce solo albums annoying.
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Bruce's repetition is usually okay but the repetition in I Will Not Accept the Truth ruins the song for me. So boring.
A touchy prediction perhaps:

I can't imagine that this album will be liked very much by the people who are over the moon by everything this current line-up has done.

Why? Because it will be much better.
How come? Because it will be different.

I can't know for sure, but the lack of Steve opposes the Stevized approach which the last four albums have shaped.

So to the people to whom this concerns: make some mental preparations.
*laughs maniacally, hides in the shadows and mutters "You've Got Another Thing Coming"*
In other words, Foro is hoping for FOTD 2. :D
A touchy prediction perhaps:

I can't imagine that this album will be liked very much by the people who are over the moon by everything this current line-up has done.

Why? Because it will be much better.
How come? Because it will be different.

I can't know for sure, but the lack of Steve opposes the Stevized approach which the last four albums have shaped.

So to the people to whom this concerns: make some mental preparations.
*laughs maniacally and hides in the shadows, and mutters "You've Got Another Thing Coming"*

But you're saying that as though the people who like the reunion songs don't like the older material...

The last four albums have been dominated by Steve, for sure. I love them, but Steve relinquishing some songwriting power won't hurt them at all, in my opinion. He's gotten a little stale. Based on previous albums, the writing credits of TBOS could foreshadow two outcomes:

- Something amazing, a la Powerslave or Piece of Mind (both great albums)
- Something less than amazing, a la NPFTD or FOTD (both average-at-best)
Goalposts moved, GK1.

Proven false, so come up with new goal:

But still Steve is the repetition king.U got to give me that :) I mean the worse thac can hapoen in bruce song is to hear a chorus 12 while Steve's record is around 36.
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"Don't like" or "don't like as much as". That's a difference.

Probably this new album marks a new era (no matter if it's a short era ;-).
It will challenge everybody.

But major fans of recent era didn't have to be challenged much. They were relatively easily satisfied.

So, now they'll be challenged more than ever, while others are longing for change. They might tolerate it more.
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I suppose Maiden have less to prove, in a way, being a long-established band with a generally supportive fan base, but on the other hand, they've had to produce the goods and those good have to be fresh and high quality. They've had a lot of live up to for a long time.
Over the last years I have read several times: The music was taken for granted. After all, we had to be happy that Maiden is still around these days. Never an ounce of criticism on stuff that happens in the present.

I find it amazing that people can keep that up for so long. Will this album challenge the happiest Fraggles among us?
Never an ounce of criticism on stuff that happens in the present.
This is patently ridiculous. Plenty of people here have criticised the band. They have said there are songs they like and dislike, attributes they love, attributes they hate. In fact, this is happening above in this very thread.
Really? I've often heard criticism of the post-BNW albums. Not so much on this forum, but a good few people do think the past few albums, and TFF in particular, were weak and disappointing. Admittedly, these are usually the people who hark back to the 80s.

Here on Maidenfans.com, I suspect this album will have things that take us by surprise, but won't necessarily challenge us.
But major fans of recent era didn't have to be challenged much. They were relatively easily satisfied.

I disagree. People are always comparing the new stuff to the old stuff, and old stuff are held on a pedestal. If the new stuff is going to reach the level of acclaim the old stuff has, they have to be really, really good. It's the case on this forum and it's even more glaring out in the open.
This album will have more progressive elements; progressive in the way their recent albums have been progressive, obviously, as opposed to Dream Theater style progressive.

Bruce's voca!s will be very impressive. Not only will he make great use of the grittiniess his voice had these days, but he will also stretch his voice and hit some very high notes.

Although there will be no double bass from Nicko, there will be some very fast parts on the album. 'Speed of Light' and 'Death or Glory' will be almost power metal in style. 'Speed of Light' will start off with a big, crisp dual guitar harmony.
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I think maiden fans in general are NOT easily satisfied. I view myself as a diehard loyal fan of THIS band, and a small handful of other artists.

Personally I feel 99% of other music is unlistenable. And the Maiden albums that are not up to snub to me ( fod, the X albums,) I do not listen to much at all. If Maiden lays an egg here, Ill give it every chance in the world, but will not praise it if it doesn't satisfy.

My belief is , The fact that you are on this forum, makes you an unpretentious, tone smart, music lover who doesn't settle for average when it comes to her/his music. The chances of this current lineup, all getting along famously, mature and talented as ever, kicking out a dud, is minuscule . Fans of every era will rejoice.
A touchy prediction perhaps:

I can't imagine that this album will be liked very much by the people who are over the moon by everything this current line-up has done.

Why? Because it will be much better.
How come? Because it will be different.

I can't know for sure, but the lack of Steve opposes the Stevized approach which the last four albums have shaped.

So to the people to whom this concerns: make some mental preparations.
*laughs maniacally, hides in the shadows and mutters "You've Got Another Thing Coming"*

I fear, my friend, that if you fail to take your own advice, you are setting yourself up for disappointment
Thanks for your concern @mckindog.

With my ideas of how I have experienced some of the albums of this line-up, I should always be careful. Who knows the next album with have more recycling than ever. And it's hard to predict how long an album lasts. E.g. initially I really like most stuff I heard on TFF. Later that changed (see the TFF topic you recently opened). So one can never know in advance, anyway.

But really, if we take the "signs" about The Book of Souls seriously, even the people with the biggest negative views on previous albums could bless themselves with hope. It may sound naive, but I really think that songwriting combinations and writing methods as different as these can matter.

On this page of this thread, I like to shine a light on the other half of the medal: what if a fan is over the moon with recent things this beloved band did, in a time when writing methods and songwriting combinations were constant: will they still be, if the album will really be (quite) something else?

This is patently ridiculous. Plenty of people here have criticised the band.
But some have not. I never said anything about the quantity of this group.
I think maiden fans in general are NOT easily satisfied. I view myself as a diehard loyal fan of THIS band, and a small handful of other artists.

Personally I feel 99% of other music is unlistenable. And the Maiden albums that are not up to snub to me ( fod, the X albums,) I do not listen to much at all.
Perhaps you've missed the point:
But major fans of recent era didn't have to be challenged much. They were relatively easily satisfied.
Because, in my opinion, the music (and methods and songwriting) didn't change much. So if someone loved that, they were not very challenged because it didn't change much.
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In the way i see it, 6 out of 11 tracks are of normal duration (no, a 6 or 6:30 minute song is not considered "long" nowadays). Also, if you noticed, they haven't placed 2 long songs in a row so it probably flows very nice and the listener won't get tired like in the second half of TFF album. I really hope that the last song is really worth to be 18 minutes long. This is my only concern. My prediction is that TBOSS can be their best post-reunion album. Thumbs up!
I think that as the post re-union albums go Maiden put more effort. Meaning that IMO BNW had a very quickly-put-together vibe to me. While in the last two albums there is quite a bit more texture and craftsmanship....or something. I don't see why this is not to happen on TBOS.
I think that as the post re-union albums go Maiden put more effort. Meaning that IMO BNW had a very quickly-put-together vibe to me. While in the last two albums there is quite a bit more texture and craftsmanship....or something. I don't see why this is not to happen on TBOS.

If anything, DOD feels quickly put together. Like they wrote a few great song then threw in a bunch of halfbaked ones just for the hell of it, slapped a cover on it and called it a day. TFF feels a little like that, but ultimately much more heartfelt and sincere. BNW and especially AMOLAD, in my opinion, feel very thought out.