TBOS Predictions

Well... based on the only track-by-track review I've read so far at some french site, it would seem like:

There are two songs that 99% of fans should love, being The Red And The Black and Empire Of The Clouds.

The Great Unknown, Shadows Of The Valley, Book Of Souls and If Eternity Should Fail will probably sit well with a majority too,

Man Of Sorrows will probably have a strongly divided opinion, being a ballad, they usually don't go down well among many Maiden fans, even when they are good songs (i.e. Wasting Love, which I happen to love)

Death Or Glory and Tears Of A Clown will probably earn the filler stamp, maybe also, but to a lesser extent When The River Runs Deep (although I hope to be wrong about this one, the description is really hard to get a clear picture from)

Speed Of Light we've already heard by now, which seems to have gone down pretty well with most fans, and hated by some (which is usually the case with just about any Maiden single, historically), I mean, there was even people who hated Wasted Years, Run To The Hills, Can I Play With Madness, Bring Your Daughter To The Slaughter....all of which are by now undisputed classics ...

So, again, based of the track descriptions and my impression of the single so far, this is how I expect to rank The Book Of Souls when I hear it...

1. The Red And The Black
2. Empire Of The Clouds
3. Shadows Of The Valley
4. Book Of Souls
5. If Eternity Should Fail
6. The Great Unknown
7. The Man Of Sorrows
8. When The River Runs Deep
8. Speed Of Light
9. Tears Of A Clown
10. Death Or Glory

Why are you even going to listen to the album? It's not going to be a double album full of The Trooper, you know.

Speaking of which, where were you during the history tours? No reason to troll forums about Play Classics! then, right?
Why are you attempting to rile someone up for posting a perfectly legitimate and well thought out post? He choose to predict how the songs will go over with most fans, rather than give what might be his own personal predictions which may have been negative. His predictions for the fans, I think are very accurate, based on what we know from the reviews as well as the previous albums.

Sure you guys may have had some beef in the past, but I thought your hope would be for people you think are trolls, to become good contributing members to this forum. But all I see from the Mods and staff here, are attempts to rile him up, bring up past events that have nothing to do with what he is talking about, all while he is making well thought out posts.

It comes across like you want him to be a troll. Like you want a punching bag because all these new members are complaining and you need to take it out on someone. And to clarify, I'm saying that's how it's coming across.

Please, take the time to reread his post, and then your response. Because you were the troll in this thread. Think of all the new people who don't know the history of this forum, and think about what they think when they see a staff member responding to a perfectly legitimate post like that. Please.
It's the red and the blaaaaack
The red and the blaaaaack
The red and the blaaaaack
It's the red and the blaaaaack!
Including such repetitive gems like "I don't hear Sabaton in it", "Many _____ has _____", " > Montenegro", and "Five favorites, three favorites from each, favorite from those three favorites...", I have never been more tired of a joke more quickly on this forum.
Including such repetitive gems like "I don't hear Sabaton in it", "Many _____ has _____", " > Montenegro", and "Five favorites, three favorites from each, favorite from those three favorites...", I have never been more tired of a joke more quickly on this forum.

But it's complex. :ninja:
I can't quite imagine this as a chorus. It might be one of those songs where the title features just once, and the chorus is something completely different.

After hearing Speed of Light, depending what IESF is like ,I can hear it being the show opener when it comes to the tour.

I'm envisioning the tape intro finishing, Nicko counting in on his hi-hat, a bit of pyro and the band launching into the song.

Only potentially 9 more days until the tour dates are rumored to be released!
I hope Speed of Light is the weakest song in the album. Really looking forward to Death or Glory...hopefully it kicks ass like Aces High