SYMPHONY X SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> The Odyssey wins!

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It's overrated, just like Sea. I tire of hearing it at every single show the band has ever played. Seriously, guys - the crowd isn't going to boo you if you play another song in its place. Just make sure it isn't the equally-overrated Smoke & Mirrors or Inferno or something from Iconoclast and you'll be fine.

I'm awaiting the day when Symphony X gets enough balls to troll the audience by bringing Rod Tyler on stage to perform V in its entirety with a 120-piece orchestra while Russell sits at the bar and gets hammered on Jack & Cokes.
Ok, I was a little harsh on Inferno - it's a better song by far than the other two. But Smoke drags on in the solo section, as brilliant as the neoclassical part in the middle is. And yes, Sins has that awesome Queen part and one of the greatest solo sections the band has ever done, but... fine. Fine, these songs aren't all that bad. It's just that the others are better.
I think you're confusing "bad" with "overplayed".

I would much rather hear other songs at gigs, but that doesn't make those songs bad. Some of Symphony X's best work.
I've only seen them live once so it doesn't really matter to me how often they play those songs. It would be nice if they had more set list variety in general though.
Ok, after a full listen through on both albums, the weakest of the bunch are easily and without question:

Savage Curtain
The Haunting
The Eyes of Medusa
The Witching Hour

A couple of the Damnation Game tracks just edged out this round, but I'll be voting for them next round.
After a couple listens to each album, here are my impressions:

Damnation Game
: Seems like very much a continuation from the first album, although it is an improvement. The Edge Of Forever and Whispers are the biggest highlights on this one. Everything else ranges from decent, to bad (Savage Curtain). Overall it's a pretty good album, but far from fantastic.

Divine Wings Of Tragedy: This album straight up rocks! :edmetal: It kicks ass from the start, and doesn't really let up. I almost considered not voting for a single song from it this round. The first three songs, as well as the two epics, are all fantastic. I would not be surprised at all if this album ends up being among my top 3 SX albums.

Voting for: Damnation Game, Dressed To Kill, Savage Curtain, Secrets, Winter's Dream Prelude, Witching hour.
Winter's Dream should really be included as one song. I like the intro but never listen to it out of context, always with part 2.
Does anyone know why SX broke it up on the album?

Savage Curtain - 5 votes
The Haunting - 5 votes
The Witching Hour - 5 votes
Secrets - 4 votes
A Winter's Dream, Part 1 - Prelude - 4 votes