SYMPHONY X SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> The Odyssey wins!

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Yep, this time I'm voting only for the debut. You guys are right, Absinthe is definitely the best of the bunch, the only great song here, and I would love to hear it with R (I don't think I ever will). I also somewhat like Premonition, Taunting and Lesson, though neither is really all that great.

My votes go to Into the Dementia, The Raging Season, Masquerade, Shades of Grey, Rapture of Pain and Thorns.
I will use this extra time to become more familiar with Damnation Game, and possibly give the first album another listen as well.
Honestly, I didn't even bother relistening The Damnation Game for this round because I knew I wouldn't vote for anything from it.

Debut isn't abominally bad, it's just that it sounds like a demo compared to all their other releases... Voting for all songs from it apart from Masquerade, Absinthe & Rue and Shades Of Grey.

Get your votes in, updating tomorrow!
I thought it was OK. Either way, some of these songs will get promoted and I'll surely vote for them as soon as they reappear in the game.
Yeah, NO vote whatsoever for the second album. Not surprised, but I wonder whether DT would have the same outcome :D
First DT album always gets completely eliminated right away in our survivors. At least 3 or 4 I&W songs end up going to the finals. Although Wait For Sleep and Another Day get voted out pretty early.
I think Metropolis won the game once without getting a single vote.

Into The Dementia - 7 votes
The Raging Season - 6 votes
Shades Of Grey - 6 votes
Rapture Or Pain - 6 votes
Thorns Of Sorrow - 6 votes
The only song I could vote for is Taunting. Honestly, it's probably the weakest song from the debut (I even prefer Shades to it), and I don't understand why it's still here.

How many songs get promoted from each album? Because I think Masquerade, Absinthe, and Lesson are the clear winners here.

I would really like to see how the songs from the debut would stand up if Russell was singing on them. I guarantee that several of the weaker Damnation Game tracks (Savage, Haunting, Secrets) would be eliminated before the three songs from the debut I mentioned above.
This brings up an interesting dilemma. Since it seems 3 songs will be promoted from the album regardless, it doesn't seem like it would be the best idea to keep voting entirely for Symphony X songs at this point. It's either time to give some votes to The Damnation Game, or limit your voting to 1-2 songs this round. Exclusively voting for 3+ songs from the debut is probably not the best strategy here.

It's going take me a bit before I decide how I will vote this round.
This brings up an interesting dilemma. Since it seems 3 songs will be promoted from the album regardless, it doesn't seem like it would be the best idea to keep voting entirely for Symphony X songs at this point. It's either time to give some votes to The Damnation Game, or limit your voting to 1-2 songs this round. Exclusively voting for 3+ songs from the debut is probably not the best strategy here.

Well, can it hurt? :D
I guess not :D

But if one were to hypothetically give a vote to every remaining song from the first album (or the same 4 songs...:innocent:) the votes would kind of cancel themselves out. They wouldn't go as far in eliminating anything from the album as only voting for 1-2 songs would. The promotion aspect adds a bit of strategy to the game.

I might just be overthinking this though. The spirit of the game is to vote for your least favorite songs, and I have no right to argue with anyone's choices!