SYMPHONY X SURVIVOR 2015: Results -> The Odyssey wins!

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Okay, to take it differently - I have voted for every debut song bar Absinthe. You could then take my vote in such a way, that it's more important to me that Absinthe will stay in the game than to eliminate any of the songs from The Damnation Game. There can be an Absinthe hater or two and I don't want for example Taunting the Notorious to stay and A to leave. Does this make sense or am I getting it wrong? And yes, next time I will vote for Damnation too, probably something from the second half, I don't know yet.
This is partially fuelled by my experience with the Nightwish survivor - I entered that one when it was already halfway through and nearly all of my Top 10 songs were already eliminated... and the rest followed soon :D

Absinthe is great and I don't want to see it go before it'll be necessary. But then again, I don't really think it's better than anything from Divine Wings, so I don't even know what I'm trying to do. :huh:
I see where you're coming from. You're doing your part to ensure one song will advance, without really caring what other songs advance with it. Voting this way does indeed help the case for Absinthe.

As for me, I'm still going to take a day or 2 before I decide how I will vote here. This is still a new experience playing one of these games, and I'm still new to the band as well!
Well, I would like some of the songs from Underworld to be high in the list.

I mean, with the Nightwish survivor, it's been said a lot of the songs from EFMB charted high because the album was new and there was hype around Floor and that the sentiment will be probably only temporary etc. etc. However... I don't know, I kind of like the fact that a band can release an album, after years and nearly decades worth of a career, only to impress some people so much that the song are in the top 10 in survivor. I like it. It's very optimistic and it makes me feel good. If one song from Underworld will end up in top 10-15, I will be really happy.
Well, I would like some of the songs from Underworld to be high in the list.

I mean, with the Nightwish survivor, it's been said a lot of the songs from EFMB charted high because the album was new and there was hype around Floor and that the sentiment will be probably only temporary etc. etc. However... I don't know, I kind of like the fact that a band can release an album, after years and nearly decades worth of a career, only to impress some people so much that the song are in the top 10 in survivor. I like it. It's very optimistic and it makes me feel good. If one song from Underworld will end up in top 10-15, I will be really happy.
It's actually pretty normal for a song from the newest album to reach the top ten. There's definitely a hype aspect there. If we do another Nightwish survivor, I'm sure something from EFMB will make it in but it won't dominate the list the way it did this time.

The only two recent survivors I can think of where songs from the latest album didn't make it to the top ten are Iced Earth and Dream Theater. For the latter, it was the first time the newest album had no songs in the top ten.
Agreed (assuming IE is the correct one :D ). I've never attempted a personal top 10/20 list, but DT12 has 3 songs that would at least make my top 20.
The only two recent survivors I can think of where songs from the latest album didn't make it to the top ten are Iced Earth and Dream Theater.

Dream Theater's self-titled album is one of their strongest, hands down. Not a weak song in the lot, and the final track is probably their best epic song since A Change of Seasons.

Does Iced Earth have a new album already? Or are you talking about the one with that Cthulhu song? Because that song was OK. And by OK, I mean it was a fraction as good as Travel in Stygian or Dante's Inferno or freaking Damien.

But whatever, this thread is about the greatest progressive metal band of all time - Symphony X.

If one song from Underworld will end up in top 10-15, I will be really happy.

I think Underworld is a fantastic listen from start to finish, but I can't pick one song that would be in my top 10. One might make my top 15, but it's doubtful. The latest three Symphony X albums are far more consistent than the previous six, but the songs aren't as individually memorable.

If The Odyssey, Divine Wings, Accolade, Through the Looking Glass, Rediscovery, Communion, Edge of Forever, and Awakenings aren't in the top 10, I'll be shocked.
Dream Theater's self-titled album is one of their strongest, hands down. Not a weak song in the lot, and the final track is probably their best epic song since A Change of Seasons.

Very much agreed.

Does Iced Earth have a new album already? Or are you talking about the one with that Cthulhu song? Because that song was OK. And by OK, I mean it was a fraction as good as Travel in Stygian or Dante's Inferno or freaking Damien.

Cthulhu was cool, the Russell Allen cover song was cool, the rest of that album is as bland and forgettable as all modern IE.

I think Underworld is a fantastic listen from start to finish, but I can't pick one song that would be in my top 10. One might make my top 15, but it's doubtful. The latest three Symphony X albums are far more consistent than the previous six, but the songs aren't as individually memorable.

If The Odyssey, Divine Wings, Accolade, Through the Looking Glass, Rediscovery, Communion, Edge of Forever, and Awakenings aren't in the top 10, I'll be shocked.

I'd put Kiss of Fire up there.

As for all those epics, prepare to be shocked. They won't all make it to the top 10, I'm sure.
I think Underworld is a fantastic listen from start to finish, but I can't pick one song that would be in my top 10. One might make my top 15, but it's doubtful. The latest three Symphony X albums are far more consistent than the previous six, but the songs aren't as individually memorable.

Well, me I have at least the title track, Kiss of Fire and Legend in my top 15. Not sure about the specific order, but those first two are very intense and Legend is... I don't know, I can't quite describe it, but it's very specific and I play it very very often for some reason.

As for the Dream Theater self-titled, I just don't share the sentiment. After the amazing Dramatic I expected something more. It's very hit and miss to me. The first half of the album is great; up to The Bigger Picture, you just can't decide which song is the best. The Looking Glass, Picture, it's just great. But both Behind the Veil and Surrender to Reason are very meh to me - they're over way too quickly and Surrender is just... weird. Neither is that memorable to me. And Along for the Ride is a nice ballad, but nothing I'd go bonkers about. Illumination is good, but again, it misses something for me (though the orchestral part is beautiful). Also, I don't like the sound of the album. Again, ADTOE has much nicer overall sound.