Blaze: Melt is a video game and it's one where Eddie, uh, plays a very evil, destructive force in the universe. What's happened is Eddie has been taken to pieces and various parts of him have been scattered throughout time and space and you as the game player, you actually have to go through time and space and various worlds as 14 or 15 worlds. So you have to travel to and collect various pieces of Eddie before he can get them so that then you finally do battle with him in hyperspace. So it's only, it's a completely 3-D game as well. (
Blaze Bayley on The Beast Of The Beas
t Interview CD)
Blaze: This is developed by a British company called
Virtual S. and, uh, so yeah, they're making up the whole game over here, which is good really, because we get to have a little bit of an input on it. Um, you know, and just say couple of things about how Eddie looks and a bit about the game play and stuff like that. So it's nice to be able to be involved and quite exciting as well day involved in the development of the game. (
Blaze Bayley on The Beast Of The Beas
t Interview CD)
As you can see, the concept of the
Melt game was totally different to what ended up being
Ed Hunter. As a matter of fact, the game (I have some pictures of the demo that Blaze played on the developers building, looked awful. I even a quote by Blaze saying that the game got cancelled because it was CRAP!. Nothing to do with the graphics on
Ed Hunter.
"Ed Hunter immerses the player into a world where chaos and terror reign. Where no corner is safe and there is nowhere to hide.
The player assumes the role of Ed Hunter, a private investigator down on his luck, who from the beginning is thrown into what seems an impossible nightmare.
Ed's story begins when he arrives back at his dingy office to find an envelope stuffed with full of cash, more than he's ever seen before in one place. Also inside is a crumpled note, written in an elegant, if spidery, hand. Pondering what job might be worth such a hefty advance, he opens the nore and reads on.
There is someone I need you to find. This person is being held in an institution. You myst free him and follow him to the end of the eart, if that is where he chooses to go. Let nothing stop you. He will not want to be followed. He may try to stop you. Defend yourself, but remember; he is not your enemy.
Here are the funds and further details. If you choose not to accept this mission, you can keep the money. Once you take on the task, there is no turning back. You will find your real reward at the end of the chase…
Ed Hunter finds himself pitted against a ghoulish array of enemies who are intent on stopping him in his quest however they can..." (
Taken from the ED Hunter Press Pack)
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