
They covered Twilight of the Thunder God as a Carolus Rex bonus, so I wouldn't be surprised if they tried a Maiden cover.
Many strangers has been shot.

I'm now looking forward to the Camouflage cover more than anything. If ever there was a non-Sabaton song where you could hear Sabaton, that's it.
Oh man, that's terriblawesome. We now have a Sabaton song about the bravery of a pigeon.

Although the song is about WW1, all the background images are clearly stylized photos or drawings of the Second World War. There was a SU-85 in there, as well as a Sherman Firefly.
I'm really hoping it's just bad YouTube quality to detract from people ripping the song for free from the web, but the production on that new song is awful shite. Guitars too low, overall tinny sound with a mechanical distortion coming from the keyboard sound, a terrible FX loop running in the back, and awful drum production.

I don't really care that it sounds exactly like Hearts of Iron, but lord do I hope the true album sounds better than this.

And hey: that leaked tracklist was correct! Hopefully the song lengths were not.
Terrible production, as Knick described.

The song itself?
Everything Sabaton does sound like crap they've done before. That's half of their charm. They're the AC/DC of cheesy metal - they aren't trying to be cutting edge or develop a new genre. They're just being fun.

You really can't judge an album's production on YouTube, it compresses the living shit out of sound and screws it right up.