
The drums do sound really weird on the new song, although the clip at the end of the video has decent-sounding drums. I'm not sure I like this song much but the guitar solo is nice.

Everything Sabaton does sound like crap they've done before. That's half of their charm. They're the AC/DC of cheesy metal - they aren't trying to be cutting edge or develop a new genre. They're just being fun.

It is so but in this case the line "they live or they die, there's no time for goodbye" sounds identical to "holding their ground 'til the final platoon" in Hearts of Iron. Not that it matters much.
I disagree with LC since I really hear things on albums by the old line-up that sound original, melody wise. They didn't repeat themselves much in that era. Okay, it happens to every band (when they get older), but Sabaton didn't always do it this blatantly.
I wouldn't consider Sabaton to be cheesy. They sing about some very serious and dark topics and I feel their sound and style go right along with it. They're what I call dark power metal. Now bands like Dragonforce are more like typical power metal who just rely on speed and have a happy sound to them.

And for your viewing pleasure:
One of the worst 'new' bands together with Volbeat. (I'll show myself out)
It'd bother me if Sabaton was trying to be good. They clearly aren't. They're trying to be fun.
If there's variation in any Sabaton album, it's this one. But there's no variation in any Sabaton album?
Just looking at the forum section, trying to get new ideas about new stuff to buy, I was surprised to see how many pages the Sabaton threat has reached. They seem to get much attention from Maiden fans don't they ? I've tried quite hard, seen them live a couple years back at Hellfest, tried to go past the stupid look of the singer, the awfull lyrics and videos and... I just can't understand what they have to deserve such an attention. Sure, this comes from a guy that once thought that Rush was lame and now thinks they are one of the greatest bands ever, but I don't think I could change my mind so dramatically on Sabaton. The music, the production (I know this sounds modern to some but hell, I hate that), and those lyrics (:nuts2:).
Okay, fine. I can't take this any longer, so I'll spill the beans.
It's all a hoax - several people from the board got drunk one night and decided it would be great fun to pretend we like Sabaton, just to baffle everyone else here. We betted on how many people we could actually trick and on how many people would crash the thread, sharing their amazement at the fact that seemingly sane and intelligent people can like something as bad as this band.
So yeah - the truth is we all hate Sabaton and think they suck big time.
You got me. Well done. I will now check out a few more threads to see if the plot has wider proportions (Metallica, AC/DC, Guns'nRoses, British Lion maybe...).
Okay, fine. I can't take this any longer, so I'll spill the beans.
It's all a hoax - several people from the board got drunk one night and decided it would be great fun to pretend we like Sabaton, just to baffle everyone else here. We betted on how many people we could actually trick and on how many people would crash the thread, sharing their amazement at the fact that seemingly sane and intelligent people can like something as bad as this band.
So yeah - the truth is we all hate Sabaton and think they suck big time.

You had to tell him. :grumble: