Russia invades Ukraine

Russian warship .. go fuck yourself. Nice!

As many as 300 Ukrainians reportedly died in an airstrike against a theatre where over 1000 people were sheltered in Mariupol.
Russia has announced a new phase, where they focus on Donbas. Of course, they have continued bombing in Lviv, so there you go. Meanwhile the Ukrainians are counterattacking in the south, shoving the Russians back and relieving the city of Mykolaiv. That's a city of a half million no longer under siege. They also killed the commander of one of the Russian armies in the area, bringing it to seven dead Russian generals so far.
I am just returning from a conference. This morning, there was a remote talk from a guy in Lviv who joked at the beginning that if there's an interruption in the connection, it's because of the unreliable power service and not because of Russian bombs. And hours later, Lviv is under attack. Fuck me, if anyone here wants to have a go at defending Putin's side, I'll come over and personally kick them in the face.
In my eyes (and many in Lithuania) Macron is so out of touch with reality. He looks so weak. Like good shool boy who naively talks with a thug, who is already beating other children. Macron still doesn't get it. You must beat the shit out of a thug, if you want to achieve peace. There's no other language.
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I am just returning from a conference. This morning, there was a remote talk from a guy in Lviv who joked at the beginning that if there's an interruption in the connection, it's because of the unreliable power service and not because of Russian bombs. And hours later, Lviv is under attack. Fuck me, if anyone here wants to have a go at defending Putin's side, I'll come over and personally kick them in the face.
You might have to stand in line
Morons .. reports of buses of russians with radiation poisoning now in hospitals in Belarus (not sure they are confirmed)

Sad but true, but that can also be said about lots of wars: after some time they stop being front page news. :(
Yeah, it's worrying how quickly this war got normalized. There's less and less talk about it apart from who's giving how many guns to Ukraine. There's no end in sight.
Yeah, it's worrying how quickly this war got normalized. There's less and less talk about it apart from who's giving how many guns to Ukraine. There's no end in sight.
I think that is pretty much russia's plan at this point. They failed miserably at plan A and plan B seems to escalate the war in Donbass and hope it just disappears from the world view.
Euro inflation climbs to 7.5% and nobody, absolutely nobody knows what's going to happen with Russian gas come the implementation of the Ruble policy. My opinion is that Putin is just trying to see who will give up first, and indeed I can't say I'm certain it won't be Europe. Meanwhile, food prices in German supermarkets are exploding, oil and flour is already being hoarded while there are no convincing reassurances that supply is steady.
All this is already looking a lot worse than at the height of the pandemic. We're having a very serious economic crisis in the making.
As the Russians withdraw from around Kyiv the extent of their butchery is being revealed. And still they have their defenders.