Russia invades Ukraine

This is really a huge blunder in so many ways, and yet, he persists in invading Ukraine.
Putin is hell bent on not looking weak (well - More than he already does), both in regards to the west as well as internally, and he is waiting for the west to somewhat blink. He's going straight towards the edge of the cliff.

Edit: It's also I presume, why he's stepping up the internal propaganda effort. Many believe it's NATO that's the aggressor and that's the narrative that Putin wants to keep building.
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We will have to see what happens. Again, the average Russian isn't going to be the one who ends this. It'll be either the generals or the oligarchs, and Putin has done a good job surrounding himself with sycophants in the army.
Iggy Pop and Green Day canceled their concerts in russia. Maiden, I'm waiting. So far, I don't like silence in Maiden Towers. There's a song named Clansman (and many more) you know... Act. Maybe some forum members have access to Maiden camp, please tell them, their reputation is at stake. This whole situation is no Joke.
Judas Priest same thing applies to you.
They won't be performing Mother Russia anytime soon.
"We are going to destroy security and special operations buildings in Kiev. We want people to leave the surrounding area." -Ministry of defense of Russia

Cool, let's see how many civilian buildings they destroy this time. And let's see if they use mortars and carpet bombs for "precision" attack again...
"We are going to destroy security and special operations buildings in Kiev. We want people to leave the surrounding area." -Ministry of defense of Russia

Cool, let's see how many civilian buildings they destroy this time. And let's see if they use mortars and carpet bombs for "precision" attack again...
Russia doesn't know what a precision attack is. Their armed forces are a giant hammer.
Putin's plans may have accidentally been revealed by Russian propaganda websites:

Is that the RIA announcement from 2nd day of war?
I don't believe it has been accidental, somebody did that on purpose. I just hope they didn't get caught.

Lavrov demands the US remove its nuclear weapons from Europe.


Why don't we just counter that demand with demand for Russia to remove all nuclear weapons that could hit Europe. Or just start arbitrary demands of our own.

As far as I know, the Americans still don't think a nuclear strike is likely. If they were, they'd be degrading DEFCON status and militaries around the world would be standing up. Putin knows that as long as he doesn't leave Ukraine's boundaries NATO will not militarily oppose him, but I suspect he has vastly underestimated the ability of the west to wage financial war; he has underestimated the level of global integration in financial markets that has occurred. And, once this is over, his instinct may very well be to separate Russia from the global financial order, something that will cause more dissent amongst the oligarchs. This is really a huge blunder in so many ways, and yet, he persists in invading Ukraine.

It's like Afghanistan 6 Turbo Edition for them
As far as I know, the Americans still don't think a nuclear strike is likely. If they were, they'd be degrading DEFCON status and militaries around the world would be standing up. Putin knows that as long as he doesn't leave Ukraine's boundaries NATO will not militarily oppose him, but I suspect he has vastly underestimated the ability of the west to wage financial war; he has underestimated the level of global integration in financial markets that has occurred. And, once this is over, his instinct may very well be to separate Russia from the global financial order, something that will cause more dissent amongst the oligarchs. This is really a huge blunder in so many ways, and yet, he persists in invading Ukraine.

He might have underestimated West or not. If yes, we cannot know to what extend just yet. For example I heard that Ukrainian officers received training for urban fighting since 2018, somewhere in France. If that's true, the scenario for a Putin attack was always there and they planned long ago how they would react. And no way Putin's intelligence didn't know about that training.

If this assumption is true, then Putin should know that there is at least a possibility his campaign to be a long one.
Also, I don't see how SWIFT or other measure wouldn't have been considered as a scenario.
Therefore, even I'm quite sure there are some things that caught him by surprise (i.e. German reaction), financial war, or Ukrainian decision to fight from inside the cities were not one of them, in my opinion.
Whatever it is, I still don't get the decision for such a scale operation. Russia would sink even if he'd win, so what's the point?
Russia doesn't know what a precision attack is. Their armed forces are a giant hammer.

The latter is true but not quite.
Their toolbox are mostly hammers and biggest jackhammers in the world but they do also have precision tools.

It's just that the goal is not a precision strike the goal is terror.
Whatever it is, I still don't get the decision of such a scale operation. Russia would sink even if he'd win, so what's the point?

After switch in US politics in 2008 the new guard started going back at Russia and their geopolitical pretenses. There's a great video from American expert giving an university talk on this in 2015 after the 1st crisis. And there's a trending video on YT right now which explains possible motives for this invasion due to some new gas field discoveries.

Nothing of this is really relevant to stop what the maniac is doing now to Ukraine.

However if you want to change things you begin with yourself. Personally, or as a society. So if we have a idiot in Kremlin that's willing to produce such a humanitarian crisis on Euro soil, that's one thing, but if we have allies who are willing to let their oil companies buy out dirty politicians in the Ukraine and directly provoke Kremlin, there's something we can work on.

Tomorrow when Russians fall back and Ukraine is in talks to get into EU, the Eastern EU region might have its own new set of problems due to historical revisionism Ukraine lately did (war -> nationalism), and we might have new energy issues due to switching Russian gas to Ukrainian oligarch built via American corporate money.

Nothing has priority right now but peace and Russian forces getting out of Ukraine.

But there is always someone profiting from war on all sides. We can't call ourselves a moral beacon if we don't take care of those rotten apples first thing after the fighting stops.

For the gas issue looks like Germany is pledging to go all green until 2030s so it does slip off the relevancy chart.

Gas is one of the main ingredients in the cause-consequence, deleting that from our lives will remove leverage over Europe from Russians or any other potential bad vendor, not to mention the gratitude of mother nature.
New UA website aggregating updated verified news and information.
According to Internet Swedes that's part of the routine "airspace incursions" that goes on for decades.
Everyone does it, and it gets bombastically reported in situations such as these.
Norwegian fighter jets are frequently scrambled to fly out and verify the identity of Russian aircraft flying along our coast, just outside the borders of our airspace. It was a routine during the Cold War and it still is.

I guess things are more complicated in the Baltic region now, with most airspace being closed for Russian aircraft - so aircraft flying between Kaliningrad and the Motherland probably will have to fly out over the sea and follow the Gulf of Finland to St. Petersburg. But in normal times, would Russian military aircraft be allowed to transit Lithuanian airspace en route to and from Kaliningrad?
Norwegian fighter jets are frequently scrambled to fly out and verify the identity of Russian aircraft flying along our coast, just outside the borders of our airspace. It was a routine during the Cold War and it still is.

I guess things are more complicated in the Baltic region now, with most airspace being closed for Russian aircraft - so aircraft flying between Kaliningrad and the Motherland probably will have to fly out over the sea and follow the Gulf of Finland to St. Petersburg. But in normal times, would Russian military aircraft be allowed to transit Lithuanian airspace en route to and from Kaliningrad?
I probably shouldn’t say this but there was an “alpha scramble” mere minutes ago. Russian planes violate our airspace daily.
Lavrov claims he's open to discussions with NATO again, but in the next sentence claims NATO is the one threatening with nukes and is the aggressor.
Lavrov, Putin... they're mad. Of course NATO and co. aren't perfect either, but there's no room for too diplomatic what-aboutism when these Russian leaders live in their own, twisted totalitarian world.

Maybe, after dwelling in their own propaganda for years and years, they have started to believe in it themselves.
The southern port city of Mariupol has been heavily attacked. There´s no more electricity or water and the food supply is blocked. :(