If it's only €5 difference I'm expecting the front standing to be massive? It's probably gonna be half and half or something.
That makes way more sense.

Front standing all gone for Malahide
Aye, I was number 880 in the queue, got in within a minute, front standing gone.

Anyway, that's me with standing for Dublin, Glasgow and Berlin II. I have a wedding next weekend, they shall not be receiving a present.
Got regular standing tickets in my basket, completed every step even confirming the transaction with my bank then got kicked out! Not the biggest fan of ticketmaster right about now!

Happened me on the front standing too.

What pisses me off is, I can understand that for a seat, two or more people might have the same seat in their baskets so they can't both buy it. But standing? There's either space of there isn't, if there's not space then you don't let the second person put it in the basket to begin with.
Happened me on the front standing too.

What pisses me off is, I can understand that for a seat, two or more people might have the same seat in their baskets so they can't both buy it. But standing? There's either space of there isn't, if there's not space then you don't let the second person put it in the basket to begin with.
I finally got through but had to queue no less than 5 times! Every time I got through I could select the tickets but it wouldn't put me through to the checkout and would come up with errors. Pathetic company and service, I wish artists would boycott them.
Happened me on the front standing too.

What pisses me off is, I can understand that for a seat, two or more people might have the same seat in their baskets so they can't both buy it. But standing? There's either space of there isn't, if there's not space then you don't let the second person put it in the basket to begin with.
So you had front then lost it? My only guess is that the old computer system can't handle it. Like if there's 10 spaces left and 15 people click on it within a second or 2 of eachother then the computer doesn't know who was a millisecond quicker. Or somethin.

Or maybe it knows people will drop out so it over subscribes. Between me an 2 mates we had 15 tickets reserved for a couple of minutes before we clarified by text who was gonna buy them. I'd say that's common enough and could easily reserve 100s of front standing tickets for a brief period before they go back on the market, or it sells out. Or somethin.
They need to ditch the 5 mins to check out timer if tickets aren't genuinely held for 5 mins. That way people would know the score at least.

Ticketmaster's system being unable to cope with thousands of people trying to, you know, buy tickets, is insane if that's what the problem really is. Their system was actually designed for just this! If they're not up to the job then other platforms who can perform should get the job.
Off the top of my head I can think of the interlude between solos in Moonchild (E - B - Bb), of the Wasting Love arpeggio (the second chord is D11/C which includes a C - F# tritone), of Sign of the Cross in the instrumental breakdown before the fast part and of Speed of Light. The solo section in Paschendale includes a tritone modulation: Dave's solo is in E minor, Adrian's in C# minor, Bruce's verse ("Blood is falling like the rain") in G# minor and Janick's solo is in D minor, a tritone jump.
Also in Alexander the Great (break after Adrian's 7/8 solo), the pre-chorus of Powerslave (Dave's part goes E - C - Bb/B/Bb) are other examples (and in the lick at the end of the main riff too, it uses both E and Bb).

Oh, and in The Talisman's main riff too, IIRC the second repetition ends with F - E(b5). Not mentioning Janick's solo.

Adrian also used tritones in his second solo in Seventh Son of a Seventh Son (and the riff under the solos uses tritones too).

But given IM's melodic style is not that easy to throw dissonances around. Metallica's more aggressive riffwriting (especially in the Burton-era) opened to more possibilities.
I always thought it would sound kind of new and aggressive for them if once maiden did a riff that was the E C D thing then did a tail with the A# A kind of sound perhaps for some different

Anyway thanks great info
Wouldn't get my hopes up, that would give them more or less no time off between the end of this tour and the next.
Bruce had only three weeks to rest between his solo tour and the 2nd leg of the Future Past tour with Maiden. ;)

The band can rest in january and start recording between february and april next year. 2 months is enough considering they recorded 'Senjutsu' quickly between two legs of the Legacy Of The Beast tour in 2019. :)
They should take more time to work on arrangements on the next album, if there is one.

Senjutsu has some of the strongest writing in a while, but is let down by arrangements. Book Of Souls, the song, shits on most songs on Senjutsu arrangement-wise IMO.
Senjutsu has some of the strongest writing in a while, but is let down by arrangements. Book Of Souls, the song, shits on most songs on Senjutsu arrangement-wise IMO.
Yeah, but TBOS also has TRATB, which is definitely up there as one of the clunkiest arrangements Harris has ever put together. It feels amateur hour, even if the solos and the melodic section are parts I very much like.
They should take more time to work on arrangements on the next album, if there is one.

Senjutsu has some of the strongest writing in a while, but is let down by arrangements. Book Of Souls, the song, shits on most songs on Senjutsu arrangement-wise IMO.
I remember the first time I heard the title track of BOS I was blown away. If I leave it a while before listening to it I still get that same thrill!
I don’t know, I still think Steve is a master at arrangements and has a unique feel for transitions. Hell On Earth and The Parchment being two good examples.