I'm curious about the drumkit.
They're gonna bring out another BDC kit with the custom wrap and gong and everything, and
Big inflatable Nicko behind the drumkit.
do this with the inflatable sat playing the kit. Simon will play on the same small club kit he does with BL in one corner of the stage. Everybody's content, biggest stage show they've ever had.
I'll miss the classic kit walkthrough from Nicko...

If I'm not mistaken, there's been no statement from Simon Dawson about his new role?
Maybe there will be a video with him at some point where he says something about his drum set. I don't know if that's logistically possible, but the best version of such a video would of course be if Nicko was also in it.
If I'm not mistaken, there's been no statement from Simon Dawson about his new role?

Maybe because Nicko didn't leave the band (only the touring life)? Sometimes people forget that Simon was only hired (at least for now) for the next tour.
I think there could nevertheless be a statement or a video/interview or something that features Simon.
Maybe it would even be a good idea to familiarize the fans with the new situation?
I don’t agree, there’s no need for any sort of statement from Simon or anything else about his appointment from the band or management.

It’s been said by the band already that Nicko is still very much involved and that Simon is only a touring drummer (for now). If plans change and he does indeed become a full member and ends up recording new music with the band then I’m sure we’ll hear more from him and the band about the situation but for now why do we need anything else.

Some fans need to dial it down a bit and just accept that there’s a new touring drummer and that’s it. Stop over analysing everything and just move on and wait and see how things turn out when the tour begins later in the year.

Some fans need to dial it down a bit and just accept that there’s a new touring drummer and that’s it. Stop over analysing everything and just move on and wait and see how things turn out when the tour begins later in the year.

I don't know if it's very realistic to expect the fans to stop analysing, discussing and simply accept.

All fans know that Nicko is a legend and that Simon is only taking part in the tour for the first time.
There is not a reason to treat him so differently/so strangely. As if there were rivalry and the true status quo had to be made clear.
I would find such a video with Nicko and Simon simply likeable and fans who were disappointed by the decision would certainly too.
He will end up getting the Michael Kenney treatment playing his instrument from behind the stage, only showing up midways through a song wearing a mask and cape.

Knowing Nicko as the fans do, relaxed, funny, I can't imagine that treatment like that of Simon would be in accordance with his wishes.
I can much more imagine him in an interview or video with Simon than in accordance with such a strange treatment of Simon.
I will be surprised if Dawson is allowed to give interviews or do anything beyond appear on stage at a Maiden show.
This. Every other bands does not ''allow'' their tour members to do any activities outside the live stage.
That is not true. Sometimes magazines/podcasts are also interested in touring members/professional musicians with various jobs and nobody forbids them to give the interview.
The Run For Your Lives shows are months away, and there's very little value in putting out an interview or a video at this stage. Simon hasn't even practiced with the band yet, so what is he going to say? I am sure there will be some media as we get closer to the tour, so just be patient.
RFYL Part 2: from The X Factor to Senjutsu. I like this one. I like the fact that there are no hits involved ( it won't happen)
This would be my setlist:
1. If Eternity Should Fail
2. The Ghost of the Navigator
3. Rainmaker
4. Sign of the Croos
5. These Colours Don't Run
6. Stratego
7. Dance of Death
8. Futureal
9. Dream of Mirrors
10. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
11. When the Wild Wind Blows
12. Iron Maiden
13. The Wicker Man
14. Hell on Earth
15. Out of the Silent Planet
I made it in 5 mins. I must have forgotten a song or 2 that I'd like to include.
I guess there will be at least one interview or shared video by the Maiden page with Simon (during the tour probably, it would be better than now), but other than that, I don't expect more. And not with Nicko. He's a live member like Sneap. IF - they continue with him in 2026 as well. I like to think Maiden will ''allow'' him. It's really odd that he hasn't say anything or some website hasn't asked him about his job with Maiden.

As for his drum kit for the tour, I don't expect kit walkthrough, design with Eddies. Just a bigger kit (I mean, it's a must, right?) in one color.
Simon hasn't even practiced with the band yet,
I doubt, but.
...IF - they continue with him in 2026 as well...

So do you mean you think Maiden is still working on "getting their man" (strange wording in the announcement, I feel that would fit more if they had convinced a star drummer to join Maiden) and that man is not Simon?
Then of course there would be nothing with Nicko and Simon.
Simon will be under a fairly tight contract regarding interviews, social media etc.

I have no doubt there are magazines and websites looking to speak to him, but it's not just a case of messaging him on socials and getting a response. Any interviews with him will have to go through Maidens management and be subject to approval before release.

IF Simon does any Maiden related interviews then management will decide what, when and where.
RFYL Part 2: from The X Factor to Senjutsu. I like this one. I like the fact that there are no hits involved ( it won't happen)
This would be my setlist:
1. If Eternity Should Fail
2. The Ghost of the Navigator
3. Rainmaker
4. Sign of the Croos
5. These Colours Don't Run
6. Stratego
7. Dance of Death
8. Futureal
9. Dream of Mirrors
10. The Reincarnation of Benjamin Breeg
11. When the Wild Wind Blows
12. Iron Maiden
13. The Wicker Man
14. Hell on Earth
15. Out of the Silent Planet
I made it in 5 mins. I must have forgotten a song or 2 that I'd like to include.
There is no bloody money in bloody that.