snake plissken
Ancient Mariner
bearfan said:Vinyl
The Who -- Face Dances
That is a fantastic record.
REM - Discoverer.
bearfan said:Vinyl
The Who -- Face Dances
This post gave me Deja Vu!Jupz said:SC is my least fave DT album, its still pretty good though. The Ministry of Lost Souls is my clear favourite from the album. Octavarium is pretty good too, I would say its on the same level as BC&SL, maybe slightly worse.
Train of Thought's not bad, heavier than a lot of their stuff.Stallion Duck said:This post gave me Deja Vu!
I think I'm going to get Octavarium next. Is Train Of Thought good? I haven't heard much talk about it.
and that Foos record is really good. Listening right now. The bands releasing albums this year have some real competition!
6DOIT? I don't think I've ever seen that one.Jupz said:Train of Thought is my 4th or 5th favourite from DT, as you've probably heard its heavier then their other stuff. I find it really solid, the only bad track for me is This Dying Soul. I'd recommend getting Scenes from a Memory next, its fantastic.
My top 5 in order
The one vinyl I wanted and they didn't have it at my store.bearfan said:Foo Fighters -- Medium Rare (covers album)
3 Fantastic albums, all in my top 5 DT albums, along with Awake and I&W. Get excited!Fugazi said:3 CD's, all Dream Theater:
Train Of Thought
Metropolis PT 2: Scenes From A Memory
Six Degrees Of Inner Turbulence
Haven't listened to them yet, I'm really looking forward to listening to them tomorrow.
Jupz said:3 Fantastic albums, all in my top 5 DT albums, along with Awake and I&W. Get excited!
Fugazi said:I've listened to both Train Of Thought and Metropolis all the way through from start to finish, I've listened to individual tracks from Six Degrees but not all the way through, I have to say I'm very pleased with all that I have heard so far. You mentioned Awake there!, that album is a grower for me, I wasn't so impressed on the first couple of listens but over the past while I've started to like it, the Mirror is such an awesome track.
chaosapiant said:I WISH I could get into DT, I really do. I gave them a few months on and off last year when preparing for the DT/IM show in July. I like Rush, and LOVE Maiden, so they seem like a band that I should love. Yet....I just can't get into them. I find them musically impressive, with a couple of amazing songs, but otherwise they tend to bore me.
Fugazi said:Personally I would say you are missing out on something great... but then again what do I know, it is just one of those things, you tried them out and they didn't grab you. Speaking of Rush, I have noticed people speaking of Rush in a positve way on these boards, I don't own any albums by Rush, I have checked out their back catalogue and they have quite a few albums, I want to give them a try but I really don't know where to start, could you recommend some albums.