Random thoughts

I wish I could get over anxiety and agoraphobia. I've been suffering with it for almost a year (in February), and honestly I'm just sick of it. That is all.
The cure you seek: GO OUTSIDE.


I had the same thing as part of my mental breakdown in 2006. I finally saw a shrink, and you know what she told me? GO OUTSIDE.

If you have nothing to do outside, walk your dog.
If you don't have a dog to walk, then get one.

It took a few months, but I got over it.
Well, lucky for you that you landed here!!  This place is chock full of cool people!!  ...even those of us from the States  ;)
I think I'm getting all of the Maiden studio albums + Live After Death for Christmas... maybe some Maiden t-shirts and some of their DVDs. (hopefully) :yey:
Sweet! I was thinking about getting some swag for christmas but I'm gonna wait till after the new year and see what my budget's like.
I see you are in California Jordan so I understand your anxiety about being around people. From my experiences, most people in California do suck. Keep at it though my friend, you are bound to find some kindred spirits.  :)
Fort Pendleton too?
Actually.  On second thought.  I often find that my favourite people to speak to on the phone are non-Americans.  Nothing personal, but the ex-pat Brits, Irish, Canadians, Aussies, even French, Mexicans and such I speak with are generally nicer.  Except for those in California.  I have never been so rudely treated as I was by a Canadian (a NOVA SCOTIAN!) who had found her way to Los Angeles.
Camp Pendleton is right between San Diego and Los Angeles, the two most superficial and stuck up cities in America. The base itself is fine but outside.....  :S

caveat: Southern California itself is beautiful, completely beautiful; the people are what bring the experience down.

I agree with speaking with non-Americans, I find the experience very satisfying myself. Except for those that hate US for no good reason what so ever. That's annoying.
I know what you mean man.  I am not big on bashing America myself, as you know - I have my disagreements with some parts but in general, I love our southern neighbours.
D&N said:
I see you are in California Jordan so I understand your anxiety about being around people. From my experiences, most people in California do suck. Keep at it though my friend, you are bound to find some kindred spirits.  :)
Man I sure hope so, this has been the hardest thing for me ever to deal with in my life.