Deano said:
I want to go see George Washington or Julius Caesar or Napoleon Bonaparte or Cleopatra (any pre-automobile person from history really) and take them for a ride in my car.
I've always thought it would be interesting to take a person from the past into our present time and show them the fruits of their actions or the modern equivalent of their area of interest.
For example, Beethoven. Transport him into the future from the end of his life - and as long as we're talking about the impossible, stipulate that his deafness be cured. Then play him recordings of his later works like the 9th Symphony - which he never actually heard - and see what he thinks. And then find out how he likes modern forms of music - metal, jazz, pop, all kinds of stuff.
Or take Henry Ford, who knows what old cars are like, and give him a ride in a few modern Fords. What would the inventor of the Model T think of SUVs or Mustangs?
Or Isaac Newton and ? Leibniz (? means I forgot his first name and I'm too lazy to look it up) - the guys who independently created calculus - and show them some modern calculus textbooks. I bet they knew their mathematics could have a wide range of applications, but showing them actual modern usage could be interesting.
Or Malcolm X and Martin Luther King - two icons of African-American civil rights - and let them see a black man with a real chance at the Presidency.
Or - the most fun of all - resurrect Cliff Burton and play him the recent Metallica albums. Then give him a tire iron and Hetfield's address, and watch the fun begin.