Queensryche & Geoff Tate

Have listened to the entire thing a few times. My first impression is that it sounds incomplete (the songs are both short and not fully developed).
Favorites: Where Dreams Go to Die, In This Light and Open Road. Fallout has potential too but it never gets realized.

I'm still divided about Todd la Torre, to me he sounds very similar to Tate (a younger Tate obviously). Which is fine I guess but its not original and makes it hard to give the band his own personal stamp. And I've hard him live as well. I just can't get all that excited about him.

An average-sounding Queensryche album but much better than all of their recent stuff.
Ai, too bad he can't do these higher notes that well... He seems out of breath constantly. I guess he should stop touching those cigarettes.
How long before we know which band will be "the one and only" Queensryche?
January is when the trial is supposed to happen. It was originally going to be this November, but Tate and his lawyers spent the majority of the past year just sitting around on their asses and didn't start any preparations for the trial until the start of the summer or so apparently and so they got a little bit more time to get ready.

Personally speaking, I'd be very surprised if Tate somehow managed to win the rights to the band name.
I am not sure. I don't think I will be surprised if he would win. This is not about which band is the best. Also I don't know if activity has anything to do with it (the non-Tate Queensryche toured their asses of in order to "deserve" the name). Perhaps figuring out who wrote the majority of the songs will be decisive?
I am not sure. I don't think I will be surprised if he would win. This is not about which band is the best. Also I don't know if activity has anything to do with it (the non-Tate Queensryche toured their asses of in order to "deserve" the name). Perhaps figuring out who wrote the majority of the songs will be decisive?

You're right in that the trial isn't about which band is the best. However, I still doubt Tate will win. For starters, he's not a founding member of the band. He's an original member, but the band was formed as an instrumental band prior to his arrival. In fact, he only joined the band after the E.P. became a huge hit; he only initially agreed to help the band out by contributing the vocals on the record.

Another factor is that from the way I understand it, the band is essentially a corporation with Wilton, Rockenfield, Jackson and Tate all owning their own personal shares. Originally when DeGarmo was in the band, they had a contract that required at least 80% of the shareholders to agree in order to make a business decision. After he left, the contract was never really altered. Tate is trying to convince the court that he shouldn't have been fired because it's only 75% that voted him out of the band instead of the required 80%. However that probably won't fly by the judge as the only possible way for the band to have possibly met that 80% would have been if Tate had agreed to leave, thus making it a 100% decision (which obviously Tate would never do). So basically the judge has to decide if 75% of the shareholders is enough to kick Tate out.

Another factor that will probably factor in is that apparently Tate had been involved in some illegal behind the scenes stuff with the band management prior to his firing, as well as his assault on the other band members in the Brazil show.
You're right in that the trial isn't about which band is the best. However, I still doubt Tate will win. For starters, he's not a founding member of the band. He's an original member, but the band was formed as an instrumental band prior to his arrival. In fact, he only joined the band after the E.P. became a huge hit; he only initially agreed to help the band out by contributing the vocals on the record.

Another factor is that from the way I understand it, the band is essentially a corporation with Wilton, Rockenfield, Jackson and Tate all owning their own personal shares. Originally when DeGarmo was in the band, they had a contract that required at least 80% of the shareholders to agree in order to make a business decision. After he left, the contract was never really altered. Tate is trying to convince the court that he shouldn't have been fired because it's only 75% that voted him out of the band instead of the required 80%. However that probably won't fly by the judge as the only possible way for the band to have possibly met that 80% would have been if Tate had agreed to leave, thus making it a 100% decision (which obviously Tate would never do). So basically the judge has to decide if 75% of the shareholders is enough to kick Tate out.

Another factor that will probably factor in is that apparently Tate had been involved in some illegal behind the scenes stuff with the band management prior to his firing, as well as his assault on the other band members in the Brazil show.
Well said.
Without Degarno or Tate this band just doesn't exist for me.

You should definitely give the self-titled album a chance. Take it from someone who thougt that even though Geoff appears to be a douche, Tate was still Tate and an essential for Queensrÿche. I absolutely fell in love for that album, and even more so that line-up after seeing them in Gothenburg a month ago.
So. The Self titled release has been available for some time now, and has been very well received and I've seen it voted and rated top 10 best album of 2013 countless times. I've listened to it 20 something times now and it's grown on me, from a solid release to a kickass record and my favorite 2013 release. Now that the dust has settled a bit, how do you guys feel about this record?
Over-hyped and rushed out. It had some good moments but as a whole I didn't find it much better than anything else they've done since Empire.
Tate fan, huh?

Not really, i find him despicable as a human being after what he did in Brazil. But i don't see how it can be credible without him, but then really they sucked for many years before all that unfolded. Chris Degarmo leaving was the worst thing to ever happen to that band. From EP up until Promised Land they were almost untouchable, a great shame.
So. The Self titled release has been available for some time now, and has been very well received and I've seen it voted and rated top 10 best album of 2013 countless times. I've listened to it 20 something times now and it's grown on me, from a solid release to a kickass record and my favorite 2013 release. Now that the dust has settled a bit, how do you guys feel about this record?

I gave it a quick listen, thought it was alright and never got around to buying it.
Have to give it another shot.
Well, QR and Tate are working on a settlement over who will have the rights to the band's name and we should be hearing the results of that soon unless it goes to trial on the scheduled dated of Feb. 10th. 1 of a few things could happen. Either QR or Tate will get the name exclusively or QR will get the name and Tate might be able to call himself something like "Geoff Tate, the original voice of Queensryche". I hope they can work out a settlement and QR gets the name because I really don't want to see all of this dragged out in court.
For those interested, the trial date has been rescheduled to March 3rd. I was hoping they would have been able to reach a settlement soon too! Oh well.