Ancient Mariner
Yeah, that's a crap, low resolution file. The real one is available on soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/#centurymedia/queensr-che-where-dreams-go-to?in=centurymedia/sets/queensr-cheI agree, I could swear it was Tate too.
That song was better than the previous one, although it sounded awfully.. I dunno, echoey and a bit 'muddy' ? not quite as sharp as I'd like - but that's possibly just me, and isn't the song itself as much as the recording/mixing/producing/whatever it is. Better than Redemption though.
Still, overall I too am in the 'meh' camp.
I can easily tell the difference between Todd and Geoff though. There's one guy in a QR tribute band (titled "mindcrime"? Or something) though, that sounds as close to old school Tate as you can get. Don't remember his name at this point, but I might link to a video later.