Queensryche & Geoff Tate

I agree, I could swear it was Tate too.

That song was better than the previous one, although it sounded awfully.. I dunno, echoey and a bit 'muddy' ? not quite as sharp as I'd like - but that's possibly just me, and isn't the song itself as much as the recording/mixing/producing/whatever it is. Better than Redemption though.

Still, overall I too am in the 'meh' camp.
Yeah, that's a crap, low resolution file. The real one is available on soundcloud. https://soundcloud.com/#centurymedia/queensr-che-where-dreams-go-to?in=centurymedia/sets/queensr-che

I can easily tell the difference between Todd and Geoff though. There's one guy in a QR tribute band (titled "mindcrime"? Or something) though, that sounds as close to old school Tate as you can get. Don't remember his name at this point, but I might link to a video later.
One amazing thing that has returned that we haven't heard in the past few QR releases with tatertot are the amazing vocal harmonies/layered vocals. They have returned again with Todd now singing and they are so incredible! That was one of my most favorite things of QR's great albums and it's so great to have it back again!

Amazon put up some short samples of the whole album. I'm liking what I'm hearing a lot. "Open Road" in particular is breathtaking I think. It's definitely a short album, but I don't mind. Most of classic Queensryche's best stuff were shorter songs to begin with.

Also, on the topic of Todd and whether or not he sounds like Tate, I'll say this. He's definitely influenced by the guy, but I also hear a good deal of Bruce and Halford in him too. He reminds me a lot more of Ray Alder from Fates Warning and Redemption than Tate, personally. Also, I can most certainly say that Todd is a much more versatile singer than Tate ever was. I've heard all sorts of different recordings of Todd singing online, and he can do a lot of different stuff vocally. I think he just chooses to limit what he does vocally for Queensryche, and only utilize parts of other things he can do for the most tasteful moments.
Heard it earlier. I will repeat what I posted in the breakdown room.

Its okay, but I listened to Redemption, Where Dreams Go To Die and even cold repeatedly. I've heard this twice, and the second time only to comment on a production remark made by a Breakdown room board member. It's just not very captivating. It's forgetful.