Queensryche & Geoff Tate

If you go here and scroll all the way down, you will see that a settlement is very close to being met. I'm keeping everything crossed that this is resolved soon!
TBH, even if Tate has kinda lost it (not the case, I mean his marbles) and isn't exactly a favourite person these days... there's one thing that actually makes me hope he gets the name.

They got Todd into the band, and performed shows, under a different name - Rising West - suggesting that it was a new band/side project. So at that stage was Tate kicked and Todd brought into 'ryche, or did they rename Rising West. The forming of that second band is the dodgy part, rather than removing Tate THEN finding a new vocalist, they found a new vocalist, advertised it but also tried to disguise it, then kicked Tate AFTERWARDS. If it was a relationship it would be kinda similar to having an affair.

Basically, if they liked this lineup and wanted rid of all of the Tate associations... why not just continue with Rising West as a new band? The only reason to change back to Queensryche is to draw on the existing reputation, which one could argue is actually a bad thing, had they kept with the new band a lot of the existing fans would check it out by association AND they'd escape the "Yeah but QR have been terrible recently" stuff.
Considering the new QR album with Todd sold over double of what Tate's QR album sold and that Todd's QR concerts are selling quite a bit better, I'd say it was a pretty good move on their part. Also, because of what Tate put the band through on the last few album he was involved with and from all of the BS that has come out of his mouth on all of his messed up interviews, I have completely lost all respect for him and am very glad of the way things are going now.
Really, it sold 40 copies?

Yes, all the relatives of the people within the Todd 'Sryche bought it, compared to just the relatives of Tate buying that respective album instead. So really, it should have been 5 times as much instead of only double. ::) :whogivesafuck:
Don't feel sorry for him for that. Feel sorry for him because Tate himself came along to sign them. The place was empty even by the standards of a country with a population of 100,000.
:lol: Tate's sold 5,500 in the first week and the real QR sold 13,000. That's a pretty decent comeback since Dedicated To Chaos sold 8,000 and what Tate did to the band's reputation.
Ya, that one deserves a few facepalms. :lol:

Also for laughs:

About Tate's QR show on the 13th. From: http://heavymetalcowboysteve.blogspot.com/2014/03/queensryche-tateryche-hurricane-state.html
The turnout was a bit lower than I was expecting- there were about 200 people there. I def could have got up to the rail if I really wanted to.

And about Tate's QR show in Boston:
Eddy at the Breakdown Room makes some very interesting points!

"There are just 13 more days to go before the trial. Time is running out.

We have seen no sign of a continuation request. The other continuations were granted 21 days (Jan 6 / Jan 27), 20 days (Jan 21 / Feb 10) and 20 days (Feb 11 / Mar 3) before the trial was scheduled, so another continuance would probably have been requested around March 18 and the legal documents arranging that should have surfaced by now.

For another continuance, the judge must be absolutely convinced that this time they are really close to a settlement. After all, on February 11, the lawyers of both parties indicated that they "are close to reaching a settlement". It wouldn't look very good if they came back five weeks later and said: "No, I mean, uh, we were like "close", right? But uh, you know, this time... well, we are really really close. Seriously you guys!"

Hellfest has been cancelled. (Tate's QR show on June 20th)

Cruise to the Edge has not been canceled even though to me, performing on a cruise ship off of the coast of Florida seems kind of difficult while you're sitting in a courtroom in Seattle."


I've got a good feeling that a settlement is coming within the next 2 weeks!
Oh, I forgot to mention that Cruise To The Edge is on April 7th, the same day that the case is supposed to go to trial if a settlement isn't reached.
From: http://eddietrunk.com/46-back-from-portland-seattle-ace-hof-tms-more/
Just back from a busy weekend in the Pacific NW with Don & Jim doing our live stage show. These are so much fun and it’s been great to meet so many TMS fans as well as fans of my radio shows. We each do 20 minutes on stage of stories and comedy, then a Q&A with the audience, then a little live trivia with prizes. Usually bands play when we are done. Saturday in Seattle we had a sold out crowd 700 strong at Studio 7. Michael Wilton and Parker Lundgren of Queensryche jumped on stage with us for some Q&A as well. They said the name decision with the two bands is very close to being announced. Last night was another great gig in Portland at Tonic Lounge. Smaller club but also a great turn out and tons of fun with some cool local live acts after we left the stage. Thanks to all who came to these gigs. We have more being added based on our schedule. They are listed on the home page under Appearances as they are confirmed. Remember NONE are TMS tapings. Special thanks to promoter Tony Lopez for taking good care of this on this latest run. Next up, this weekend, we come to Mexico City and Puebla! Mexican fans so supportive of TMS so can’t wait. Dates on the home page.