Queensryche & Geoff Tate

I really, really hope he puts together songs that better fit the original O:M than the sequel (in which the first 2/3 of the songs were fine, had they been branded a solo venture. Certainly not QR worthy and especially not if the band didn't really play on it). His current band are good musicians though and they vibe on stage, so I'm hopeful it will at least be decent.
The booking/touring company he partners with being from Vaasa probably has something to do with it.
Interesting, I had no idea about that. I've noticed he seems to come here all the time though. Some of the towns he visits are really small too.

I really, really hope he puts together songs that better fit the original O:M than the sequel (in which the first 2/3 of the songs were fine, had they been branded a solo venture. Certainly not QR worthy and especially not if the band didn't really play on it). His current band are good musicians though and they vibe on stage, so I'm hopeful it will at least be decent.
Yeah, this is exactly what makes me so sick about Tate. Constantly claiming he is done with Queensryche (and metal), but at the same time constantly touring with their catalogue and now even continuing with Queensryche material. Please Goeff, either just stop it and focus on your career, or at least be a man and admit that you would sell your firstborn and your left testicle to be back in Queensryche. It is so blatantly obvious.

And please don't taint this classic even more. Musically, the 2nd part fell extremely short to the first one. And the story of the whole concept is pretty poor to begin with. O:M is a masterpiece bc of the music, but definitely not because of the story, which is basic cliche villain-vs-wannabe-antihero stuff without any depth. Clearly no basis for TWO sequels.

I really, really hope he puts together songs that better fit the original O:M than the sequel (in which the first 2/3 of the songs were fine, had they been branded a solo venture. Certainly not QR worthy and especially not if the band didn't really play on it). His current band are good musicians though and they vibe on stage, so I'm hopeful it will at least be decent.
My problem with this is I really can't imagine what would make a third Mindcrime worth listening to. We know that musically it's not going to be close to the original since Tate is the only one from the original involved. As far as the lyrics go, it's not like the original Mindcrime left anything open that we need to learn about on the sequel album. And now that there is a sequel album out there, there's even less room for further development. The story itself is pretty basic, it's not like Geoff Tate was doing any world-building and creating Dune here.
Geoff posted on his Instagram that he took his bass player and guitar player to the Queensryche show in Copenhagen yesterday. That's pretty cool. I think the last time he caught QR were in 2018-2019 at a festival both acts played, which had Geoff and the QR guys engaging in a bit of small talk and pictures.
Did you spot Tate?
No, unfortunately not - though reading questions like these are the greatest Mandela effect generators. Did I really see someone yesterday and wonder "Oh damn, that dude looks a bit like Tate", or does this question suddenly make me feel as if I felt that?

I was having such a great Friday too before I got unsure hahahahaha mannen varför var du tvungen
  • Haha
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