Queensryche & Geoff Tate

Great: Where Dreams Go To Die
Good: Spore, In This Light, A World Without, Open Road
Could've been better: Redemption
Meh: Vindication, Don't Look Back, Fallout
Useless interludes: X2, Midnight Lullaby

Overall, better than I expected it to be, and ofc better than Vestryche.
I'm quite fond of Redemption. Thought Fallout was rather imprintless. Haven't streamed the entire album yet. This is the CD I've been anticipating the most in 2013, so I'm very excited to finally stream the whole thing.
Where Dreams Go To Die is cool, though feels cut short, like everything else in the album. Redemption and Vindication are pretty bad, the interludes are pointless and the rest is pretty unremarkable filler. Not disappointed since I didn't expect anything.
Open Road is splendid. I agree though that the album might feel a bit short and somewhat formulaic. Although, in that sense, reminiscent of British Steel, analbum which I love. So you can get away with that, I think they did. It's not a grand slam like British Steel, but it's a very enjoyable piece of work that could've benefited from a bit more variety and a track or two more. I think it's a great album overall.
This is the only computer we have and things are a bit hectic around here with my autistic brother so I had to record the album in real time. I'll listen later when I get the chance. I think I'm going to love it though since I love the songs we've heard so far and the samples as well.
Ugh, since I heard the album, chorus of Redemption can't get out of my head. It's not really a great song, but it's super catchy it seems.
First impression is positive. Cant say I was blown away by any of the songs, but it sounded like Queensryche and it's been a while since I ve been able to say that.
Will give it a thorough listen on better equipment first, but likely something I will buy.
I've listened to the album about 5 times now. As far as it goes compared to the EP through Promised Land, I like it better than those 2 releases, but not quite as much as the other 4. So ya, I'm loving it quite a bit for the most part.

Also, there is an mp3 download of the album out there claiming to be 320 kbps. I'm not sure if it's the actual CD or CM's Soundcloud stream though.
After what must be about 20 listen to the album since Monday which isn't hard because of it's short length, I can easily say that this is their best album since Empire. My God! I never thought I'd ever be able to make a statement like that!
I like Promised Land better, and quite fond of Tribe too. But yeah, it's a solid album. A 4/5 in my book.
OK so I listened to the new Ryche. For starters, the album sounds rushed. They were obviously trying to one up Tate and the music suffers because of that. Lots of half baked ideas there, this isn't the 80's, finishing an album in a couple weeks isn't impressive anymore. In fact, it comes off as lazy. It had its moments, there were some choruses here and there that I really liked, but overall it was just standard fare rock. Didn't even really sound like Queensryche most of the time. Might as well have been Geoff Tate singing, Todd is a carbon copy. And not even of the good Tate, 00's Tate. Lame.

So it wasn't terrible but it wasn't amazing either. Unremarkable, like most of Queensryche's output over the last 15 or so years. Making self titled implies that this is the real Queensryche sound and this accurately represents their best work. If that's the case, I'll pass.
No I think it sounds rushed because most of the songs sound like they could use more work. I noticed that there were a lot of good choruses, but often times the rest of the song wasn't very good. The latest Megadeth album had the same problem (among many other issues).
:lol: I hate him because of what he's done to QR in the last 10 years or so. I still respect him for everything before that and all the great music he did bring us.