OK so I listened to the new Ryche. For starters, the album sounds rushed. They were obviously trying to one up Tate and the music suffers because of that. Lots of half baked ideas there, this isn't the 80's, finishing an album in a couple weeks isn't impressive anymore. In fact, it comes off as lazy. It had its moments, there were some choruses here and there that I really liked, but overall it was just standard fare rock. Didn't even really sound like Queensryche most of the time. Might as well have been Geoff Tate singing, Todd is a carbon copy. And not even of the good Tate, 00's Tate. Lame.
So it wasn't terrible but it wasn't amazing either. Unremarkable, like most of Queensryche's output over the last 15 or so years. Making self titled implies that this is the real Queensryche sound and this accurately represents their best work. If that's the case, I'll pass.