Queensryche & Geoff Tate

A B side is what the extra songs on a single are called. Bonus tracks are the extra songs on different versions of the actual album. I've never seen bonus tracks referred to as B sides. He said the Japanese bonus tracks are done and mastered and now it's time for the B side which is clearly separate from the bonus tracks.

"Just Mastered the Japanese release with bonus tracks."
Those are done and and mastered. No more bonus tracks to master.

"One mix left, "Eyes Of A Stranger" live B side"
That is separate from the bonus tracks because he just said he was done mastering them.
Yea, lots of bands just use b-side as a term for any non album track nowadays.
Thanks Mosh. I should probably start putting in the info that's on the links I post.

Has anyone checked out Fallout? Even though it's not the greatest quality, you get the general idea. I'm loving it so much!!!
Out of the 3 so far, I personally like Redemption the best.

Where Dreams Go To Die is definitely my favorite so far. I think I prefer Fallout over Redemption, but I'd need to hear a better version of it to be sure. Redemption isn't bad at all, but WDGTD is a lot stronger IMO. Parker proved his worth with this song, I think.
Where Dreams Go To Die was pretty cool. Much better than Redemption, at least. That said, if I didn't know better, I'd be convinced that it was Geoff Tate singing. It's uncanny how similar they sound.

Fallout is only okay. The overall sound so far seems to be a bit generic, which is why I've stayed away from post-Empire Ryche in the first place, so meh.
Well, you should at least like some of the album then which is good. And it's interesting how you hear Todd as being so similar to Geoff while I hear a lot of differences.

I thought Promised Land was a really good album. What did you think of it?
Well neither of us know what the whole album is like, so it's too early to tell. If there are more songs like Where Dreams Go To Die as opposed to Redemption and Fallout than it should be okay.

Promised Land isn't as bad as the others, one of the better albums for sure. Nowhere near as good as the first 5 though.
Promised Land is tied with Rage for Order as my favorite QR album. I find Mindcrime to be a tad bit overrated, personally. Great album, definitely, but I hardly find it to be the masterpiece a lot of folks make it out to be.

But yeah, I'm with Mosh on this one: Hoping for more songs like WDGTD.
The new one is quite good.
And if I had not known better, I would have sworn it was Tate.
I agree, I could swear it was Tate too.

That song was better than the previous one, although it sounded awfully.. I dunno, echoey and a bit 'muddy' ? not quite as sharp as I'd like - but that's possibly just me, and isn't the song itself as much as the recording/mixing/producing/whatever it is. Better than Redemption though.

Still, overall I too am in the 'meh' camp.