Official American Football Thread

Haha, the Panthers owned the second half of that game, it was ridiculous. A very nice pass rush game on the Panther's part.
Whats the old line about 'lies, damn lies and statistics'?  Anyway, the stat said that the NFC South, at home against another NFC South team was 22-2 (now 23-2).  Pretty good bet that these teams are fairly evenly matched and the home field advantage is legitimate in this division. 
D&N said:
Stunning! I went to bed as the third quarter was ending. Looks like I missed a lot.
Yeah you did! The Panthers really started to get on fire and score a lot of points.
Well, it looks as if I'm going to have to pick a team to follow through the playoffs now since my team is pretty well out of it so Carolina is a good a pick as any I guess.
Saints.  Brees is gonna throw for 3 td's and 350 yards.  Bush is gonna run for about 50 yards, 30 receiving, and 1 td.  Thomas is gonna get 105 rushing yards and a td. 

Bears are gonna loose, and there goes their playoff hopes.

Saints 31-24
I think they will lose as well, and that will be good for me since I'm a Vikings fan. If they lose and we win on Sunday we can clinch the NFC North. The analysts always talk down about the Vikings which is totally stupid. I just think that Goodell hates the Vikings personally and I think that he is trying anything that he can do to keep us out of the playoffs. All we have to do it keep winning, and no one even gives us credit about our 20-10 win over the Panthers in week 3, a game no one probably remembers.
I say Saints too.

I also say the Giants will beat the Cowboys in Sunday, the only time I think I will ever root for Manning and Co.
The chance that the Falcons beat the Buccaneers is good too since its a home game for them and the defense of Tampa seems to be buckling.

Oh and what about next Monday? Browns or Eagles? I say Eagles, its a home game, they're resurging also, and they have alot of pressure to win this one.
I'd go with the Giants over the 'Boys (I always like seeing Dallas loose!)-- it'll be a ground game, Giants 24-17

I think the Browns are done winning this year.  With both Quinn and Anderson out, they don't have much of a shot, especially with Westbrook running the ball like he is for the Eagles.  Eagles 28-10
As much as I hate to admit it, I don't see the Eagles losing another game this year. The play Washington next week too.
Well, better them making it than the Cowboys... you guys are right; the Giants are going to cruch them this weekend... maybe take Romo out so we don't have to hear about his late season drama all over ESPN like every year. I hate that.
Yeah, between the Romo drama, and all the Big 12 QB's, I get tired of hearing from the ESPN crew...
Yeah, this time of year, when the Skins ain't winning; I don't much like watching ESPN at all.
The Eagles will finish strong, but that tie will end up hurting them, they probably will miss the playoffs.
Well, I missed the call on the Saints Bears game... I really thought that Brees and Co would have it.. just a one or two missed plays and they would have.  Oh, well; he and Thomas scored well for me!