Nicko McBrain

I liked Nicko’s bit on Bruce toning down the diva act over the years and his flipflopping about the band being a democracy and Steve being the boss.
I loved Nicko talking about his baff on Flight of Icarus in Hammersmith
If only the audio or video from the show was released in full, that would've been amusing
The whole thing is pretty damn interesting, but I'm surprised about the little details like him switching back and forth with Remo (I always just assumed he switched to them sometime in the 00s and stuck with it, but apparently it's a little more complicated than that) or the three strikes thing. Or the drumkit situation being enough to break the camel's back, his relationship with Sonor must've been in the muds at that point if that's true.

I wonder if the three strikes thing has been in any use since then? It's kinda hard to imagine any of these guys acting enough like rock'n'roll drama queens to earn one from Steve and Rod (well, Bruce did mention one incident in his book where Steve demanded he be fired, but that's a whole another issue) past Nicko's well-documented issues on his first tour, but I suppose it's still somewhat possible.
I wonder if the three strikes thing has been in any use since then? It's kinda hard to imagine any of these guys acting enough like rock'n'roll drama queens to earn one from Steve and Rod (well, Bruce did mention one incident in his book where Steve demanded he be fired, but that's a whole another issue) past Nicko's well-documented issues on his first tour, but I suppose it's still somewhat possible.
Bruce has told another story in which he was behaving so badly ("in full disgraceful rock star behaviour mode", I think he called it) that he was put in a taxi and sent home "before he got himself arrested" - it was one of the easter eggs in "The Early Days" DVD. He goes back to their hotel and runs into Ozzy Osbourne ...

Nicko also has recounted an occasion when Adrian trashed a hotel room - I think it was in one of his Listen with Nicko pieces.

Suffice to say: they haven't always been the boy scouts they appear to be now. Steve demanding Bruce be fired was because he was in a furious temper about something Bruce had done on stage, wheras Nicko's "formal warning" would have been issued only after an established procedure had been followed through - it would not have been given in the heat of the moment. I think the distinction was probably that Nicko's unacceptable behaviour was directed towards an innocent party outside the band. Bruce and Steve's onstage altercation(s) as well as the argument recorded as Mission from 'Arry were purely internal disputes within the band and their crew.
I think he threw the TV out of the window. That would be thrashing the pavement, not the hotel ;)
Great interview. Funny that he thinks Churchill's speech was the intro to Where Eagles Dare. Or maybe he just said it 'cause he couldn't remember what the intro was.
I don't remember what the intro to WED was and I just listened to a bootleg from that tour yesterday, so it's more than forgiven if you ask me!
So even by that date there's no chance that Nicko played on some Beast on the Road dates.
It's been confirmed by other sources that Nicko never played with the band until the PoM tour, I believe. So there's no revelations hidden here. Hell he outright says this in the interview posted earlier. I believe he was apparently on retainer, ready to go on tour in case they had to fire Clive in the middle of it.
What. The. Hell?
What a self-important, deliberately provocative, pompous set of questions that was.
Your fans are morons, your music is bland and shallow and you must be too.
Bruce and Steve seemed to show a ton of class the interviewer didn’t deserve.
Thanks for scanning that harrisdevot, I stopped reading after I got to the part were he quotes Steve as saying "i fahnd fings going on" and realised I'm only going to get angry if I read anymore., he's somewhat well known, it's a surprise then that the article reads like it was writing by a pretentious undergrad.