New Single - The Writing on the Wall

Reposting here from the Spec thread:

First Impression...
Great music - very western (bluesy) sounding with...WAIT FOR IT...great production! I definitely heard a tiny Davey solo before another absolute monster of an Adrian solo. Weird, but cool video, I guess?

WHAT THE LIVING FUCK IS UP WITH THOSE VOCALS?! Are they from a demo?! Were they recorded during quarantine in Bruce's home bathroom?! They sound like absolute utter fucking shit. Which is a shame, cause the instruments actually sound great.
Bruce's vocals are higher in the mix on Spotify compared to the Youtube premiere. The music video was perhaps the best they've done. The song itself has an incredible intro, will have to give it a fair few listens before I comment on the rest. It's not that I don't like it, it's just not very Maiden in my opinion. But that's probably a good thing. Will just need some time to adjust.
I didn’t like it. Honestly, when it comes to slow singles TROBB destroys it with ease. I don’t get why they insist with these celtic melodies. Again weak rhythm guitar sound. Really sad and disappointed .
First impression is good. Thought it was a Janick song at first. Can't wait to get home and listen to it with good headphones.
Reposting here from the Spec thread:

First Impression...
Great music - very western (bluesy) sounding with...WAIT FOR IT...great production! I definitely heard a tiny Davey solo before another absolute monster of an Adrian solo. Weird, but cool video, I guess?

WHAT THE LIVING FUCK IS UP WITH THOSE VOCALS?! Are they from a demo?! Were they recorded during quarantine in Bruce's home bathroom?! They sound like absolute utter fucking shit. Which is a shame, cause the instruments actually sound great.

Yeah, the vocals are a little washed in the mix but I'd like to hear it in a better format that crappy YouTube before I pass final judgement.
I am loving it. Unexpected- but that’s great.
I hate the vocals tho. Will have to check out some of the other sources as folks mentioned.