jmpoet said:
Wow that church does have a really noticeable lean! I'd be nervous if I lived across the way

- on the other hand, it's probably been that way for some time? Is it sinking because of the canal?
I read the following on some site:
Even during its construction, the tower was plagued by subsidence. This could be because the water in the Oude Delft (Delft's oldest street/still existing channel) had to be redirected to make way for the existing church. The tower therefore was probably built on a filled-in canal. Throughout the ages, the leaning tower has been the cause of considerable alarm to many an inhabitant. In 1843, the City Council of Delft, fearing the collapse of the tower, decided that it had to be pulled down to the level of the church roof. Local contractors were able to prevent this decision from actually being carried out.
jmpoet said:
The Pisa tower (Torre Pendente) started settling before they'd even finished building it in the 12th century, which kind of seems like it would be a pretty humorous Monty Python-esque kind of situation - -except for the architect of the Pisa tower, who probably developed a headache that lasted for years. I really like the photo, with the light and mist.
I still have to see that Pisa tower. However, I have been to Bologna, which has several very high towers.
jmpoet said:
I'm sorry the Queen's husband has passed away -- I'm not as familiar with the Dutch royal family as I am with the British monarchy, but I'm thinking that they were also WWII generation? Are they related to the Brits? (well knowing Queen Victoria had kids and grandkids married all over the place.) (I guess I'm sort of an unusual progressive liberal if I'm a fan of royalty, but that's me.)
I don't think they are related to the Brits. The present monarchy was originally founded in 1813 when the French were driven out. Prior to the Napoleonic wars, most of the semi-independent provinces of the Netherlands had been led by stadtholders from the House of Orange-Nassau. In the not too far future Holland will have a King again, first time since 1890.
jmpoet said:
Isn't that interesting to be buried in a vault though? And the church looks really impressive from the photo. But I wonder what it's like to know where exactly you'll rest when your time comes? (Although of course I have no intention whatsoever of resting! ha!)
Haha, I am not sure if it's a creepy thought. It seems like a safe and wellguarded place. This vault tradition goes back til the death of William of Orange (in 1584).
jmpoet said:
I didn't realize Vermeer was frm Delft! I have seen some of his paintings during one of my trips -- pretty cool to see them for real and not in a textbook. I was surprised how delicate they seemed. Not because they were old, but just the way he painted, I guess, the way he painted light.
That's what draw many painters to Delft in those days, the light. At least, that's what I heard once.
jmpoet said:
Ah, right!! it was pottery. I couldn't remember exactly, as I can't remember now what they used back then to make the particular shade of blue. I'm not as familiar with the other names, but, wait though, thinking back to last message, there has been a city of Delft for over 2000 years? I didn't realize in the last message how old it was! Did the Romans have something to do with that?!
No Delft is not that old. Stuff from the Roman era has been found there but it isn't a Roman city. Delft came to existence at a "delved" waterway, called the 'Delf', and that's where its name comes from; delving, digging, 'delved', Delft.
jmpoet said:
Amsterdam definitely has more canals than Venice! Venice only has 378 bridges - tiny by comparison! Stockholm is supposed to have canals too, I think?

(I might be definitely off topic with this one and is that okay?)
Not sure but there's a lot of waterways there, I guess. Hamburg in Germany is canal city. I just read that
The many canals in Hamburg are crossed by over 2300 bridges, more than those of Amsterdam and Venice combined. Hamburg has more bridges inside its city limits than any other city in the world. I am not sure if it would look that interesting though. I can't judge it well, I have only been there briefly on my way to Wacken Open Air.