New posters! Who are you?

Hello one and all!
Im new here. Been lurking since early 2008, love the commentary, love maiden.
Finally got around to regestering. What's up?
Hi..I am Ray from Schenectady,NY..Been a Maiden fan since the early 80's...saw them on their Powerslave tour and to this day still consider it the greatwest concert I ever saw... :ok:
That's what you get for thinking. Welcome Ray! I guess we can allow one yankee. Yes, The World Slavery Tour was something to behold!
Genghis Khan said:
Hello all!

While not a new poster, I've been absent for six months and probably missed a lot of interesting developments at IMF. 


You're back?!

*runs for the hills*
New poster but not new to Maiden, been listening to them since the second lp (showing my age here!). Amazed to see the interest in metal again. Never got to see them live but saw some of the metal bands in the 80's.
I was a Maiden fan from the age of nine when my cousin gave me his cassette of 7th son, basically lost interest when Bruce left and then rekindled an old love for them about 3 years ago when i was playing my guitar and started playing this wicked riff only to realise it was the main theme to FOTD, since then they've once again become my favourite band, and i still don't own any Blaze era stuff, maybe i should give him a chance eh?
Rikstewart said:
I was a Maiden fan from the age of nine when my cousin gave me his cassette of 7th son, basically lost interest when Bruce left and then rekindled an old love for them about 3 years ago when i was playing my guitar and started playing this wicked riff only to realise it was the main theme to FOTD, since then they've once again become my favourite band, and i still don't own any Blaze era stuff, maybe i should give him a chance eh?


Bruce left one year after FOTD came out. Funny that you completely have forgotten about this song, because it was the latest Maiden song you have known before you lost touch.
Rikstewart said:
I was a Maiden fan from the age of nine when my cousin gave me his cassette of 7th son, basically lost interest when Bruce left and then rekindled an old love for them about 3 years ago when i was playing my guitar and started playing this wicked riff only to realise it was the main theme to FOTD, since then they've once again become my favourite band, and i still don't own any Blaze era stuff, maybe i should give him a chance eh?

Definitely give him a chance, you're missing out!
Forostar said:

Bruce left one year after FOTD came out. Funny that you completely have forgotten about this song, because it was the latest Maiden song you have known before you lost touch.
I think that didn't come across as i meant it to, i hadn't forgotten about the song, i'd forgotten how good it was and was surprised that i could remember how to play it. I'm currently replacing all my old vinyl and cassettes for the remastered cds so maybe i'll try the Blaze albums when i've got them all
Foro, I don't recall you ever having mentioned playing guitar - you're not a musician, are you?

Anyway, that sort of thing can happen. Sometimes I'll be playing, thinking I'm just improvising, when I realize I'm playing some old song that was stuck in the back of my brain. There's a lot of songs out there and only twelve notes, so sooner or later you wind up repeating something by pure accident / coincidence.

For example, I remember one time about 5 years ago when I was playing my bass and I came up with an absolutely killer riff. I was working on it for two or three minutes before I realized it was the opening riff from AC/DC's "Hells Bells". It just happens sometimes...
I've done it loads of times too, a few weeks ago i was sat downstairs watching tv with my guitar on my lap and i started playing this riff, anyway i thought it was pretty cool so i recorded it using my phone then after a few listens i recognised it but couldn't think where from, turns out it was a variation of the intro to the Longest Day, couldn't bloody believe it!
SinisterMinisterX said:
Yes, you definitely should give the Blaze albums a chance. Some fantastic stuff there.

Just got The X Factor from a guy on ebay, haven't listened to it yet but its gonna go on the ipod so i'll listen at work tomorrow
Might I just say here Rik, The X Factor does take time to grow on you. But it will, so give it time.
Albie said:
Might I just say here Rik, The X Factor does take time to grow on you. But it will, so give it time.
I listened to it today, got to admit i wasn't overly impressed with all of it but i love Sign of the cross(1st time i'd heard Blaze sing it), i'm sure it will grow on me