New posters! Who are you?

Hey all fellow Maiden fans. I'm 20 years old from Alberta, Canada and I've been a Maiden fan for just over a year. While that's not a very long time I made the best of the last year, familiarizing myself with almost their entire discography. Went and enjoyed Flight 666 and am eagerly anticipating their next visit up to the cold north.
I'm in Richmond, Va, and can't recall when I initially started listening to maiden but at 27 years old, I can't remember a time in the last 10 years i haven't had a maiden disc in my car's disc changer, or taking up the bulk of my space on my iPod.  I've grown to love every album but Virtual XI which I make up for by loving the cover art. Seen them live twice only because I'm scared to venture into NJ which is where they usually stop.

Can't promise I'll post much since I'm new to message boards, but I know I'll read a lot, so thanks for contributing!
hello people,

              i suppose this is the most appropriate place for my first ever post!! im 34, from the greatest city in the uk, liverpool... been a maiden fanatic since seventh son, which is also my fave album. iron maiden and liverpool fc are my consuming passions in life!! a chef by trade who is looking forward to chewing the fat with like minded folks and folkesses!!
                          nice one
Hello all!

While not a new poster, I've been absent for six months and probably missed a lot of interesting developments at IMF. 

Genghis Khan said:
Hello all!

While not a new poster, I've been absent for six months and probably missed a lot of interesting developments at IMF. 


Didn't we ban you?

I mean.......welcome back!
GK! Welcome back! You'll have plenty of back threads to keep ya busy during the slow summer season.
Genghis Khan said:
Hello all!

While not a new poster, I've been absent for six months and probably missed a lot of interesting developments at IMF. 


He got back in? I thought we changed the locks... :p
You did change the locks, I lockpicked.  :)

Thanks everyone.  I read the b-day thread. 

Things have been up and down since January.  After the honeymoon, I got a new teaching contract which ended recently.  Also my new bride just came from the hospital today after a week of stay.  She had either a severe case of pneumonia or Legionnaire's.  She's OK now, but needs a week off work to take it easy.