New album: The Final Frontier!

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:duckie:  I get this in the next 24 hours and I'll be happier than I would if I do any later.  Really though, God bless video games, they're really coming in handy right now. :o
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
JR, you need to chill.
If you recall, AMOLAD wasn't available until just a few days before release and TFF won't be any different.

I had AMOLAD over 2 weeks before it was released. It leaked by just wasn't very widely known until about a week before.
Stan said:
Then after you guys hear the album, you'll go.. "Hmmm.... it's not bad" and that's it lol my entire life, I've never had that reaction to ANY Iron Maiden album.
Then it'd be the first Iron Maiden album for me to think that way about.. Even the less popular Fear of the Dark and No Prayer got a huge portion of my time and attention.  The only ones I didn't give too much time were Iron Maiden, Killers, Virtual XI and X Factor (the first two just not that much to take in, and the latter, while more complex, seemed dulled due to the singer)
HallowedBeMyName said:
What's the deal, Fonz? do you just log in for a second or two to leave a post, log out, than log back in a minute or so later?  :P
Nope, I'm invisible so I always appear offline. ;)
Total time logged in: 5 days, 19 hours and 39 minutes.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Are you the same Khan that was an admin at the official free forum?

Oh yeah, I remember. I think he was also doing artwork for Journey. Not sure...
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
Are you the same Khan that was an admin at the official free forum?

Yup...was/is/am/are/.... I be him.
Stan said:
Oh yeah, I remember. I think he was also doing artwork for Journey. Not sure...

Yup - Red 13 CD/EP....Bass Drum artwork, a magazine ad, a wall at their FC headquarters, and the back of a t-shirt.
Stan said:
Sounds great, good to have you here, man!

Thanks. I poke my head in every so often...just don't usually post.
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
OMG! How have you been?

Been pretty good....was a great 5 shows for this tour...but was the least amount of shows I've seen them play iun 3 tours :(

I'm dying for the new album to friggin leak.

I also wish they'd finally re-open the free forums on the main website. The FC forums are very busy...but it's a shame that the free forums just sort of fizzled out and then closed.
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