New album: The Final Frontier!

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Eddies Wingman said:
If that is right, it makes it more impressive that he made some of his best contributions to the Maiden catalogue during those years (Wasted Years, Sea of Madness, SIASL, Moonchild, The Evil That Men Do). Coming up with that great stuff when one is not really motivated, is no small achievement.

In 1986-1988 Adrian sure was motivated in the studio (and the songwriting process that goes with it), he only disliked the long tours. 1989/1990 was something else. When asked, he wasn't sure if he wanted to be in Maiden, thus the band decided for him.

It can't be denied that Steve had his finger in every song (apart from only one) since 2000 so Bruce is quite honest about it.
Folks , a slight detour from the discussion on H's motivation and Steve's power of awesome is it that we have to spoiler comments on the new album!! I really do think its awesome because it symbolizes how important the release of a new Maiden album is to the fans. It demonstrates that Maiden is not a band that is worshipped for its singles alone but for its albums. In fact, if it weren't for the Eddie artwork for all previous singles I would see no difference between any single and all other songs on each album. Maiden is definitely an albums band...this is also demonstrated by the indecision of some fans to listen to the El Dorado download as it could reduce the full enjoyment to be experienced on 17 August.

Back to H and a young whippersnapper I saw Maiden in 87, I really hope Adrian enjoyed himself cos it is a lifelong memory for me.

Bruce was apparently unhappy with the exclusion of his material on Somewhere In Time. I wonder if he was twice as ticked off because the album contained three songs penned entirely by Adrian without Steve's involvement, whereas Steve rejected Bruce's contributions. There must have been a few heated discussions during the recording sessions in the Bahamas. Mind you, Somewhere In Time is faultless IMO.  
To add to your detour - I have to say that the marketing campain for the new album and tour, although mainly directed towards the fanbase and not the general public, was executed flawlessly, from the secrecy before everything was published, to the release of El Dorado and full album details, and the subseuqent release of The Final Frontier video (including the production level which was above par for Maiden standards).
I just want to mention that at no time have the Mods or Admins told you guys to spoiler things about the new album. That is a decision the community began making on its own to protect itself.
LooseCannon said:
I just want to mention that at no time have the Mods or Admins told you guys to spoiler things about the new album. That is a decision the community began making on its own to protect itself.

Hey problem at all, the spoilers work for me.  I think the use of spoilers shows how much we regard each individual's method of enjoying the upcoming release.  In a way I am disappointed that I listened to El Dorado and watched the film clip prior to 17 August as it means going into the first listen of the release already knowing some of the material, but I respect that Maiden chose to release those tempters and therefore they would want us to listen to them...if we chose to of course.
The Mid-Distance Runner said:
Bruce was apparently unhappy with the exclusion of his material on Somewhere In Time. I wonder if he was twice as ticked off because the album contained three songs penned entirely by Adrian without Steve's involvement, whereas Steve rejected Bruce's contributions. There must have been a few heated discussions during the recording sessions in the Bahamas. Mind you, Somewhere In Time is faultless IMO.  
I recall a Bruce interview during the promo of Somewhere In Time in which he said the new album would contain...9 tracks. He mentioned an acoustic tune he wrote and the band recorded. Today we know that he had at least 3 tracks available but none were released. The fact is that at least one of these songs was recorded and apparently mixed. Bruce explained the lyrics delt with a soldier in a submarine or something like that. I'm not sure at 100% of the title but I was amazed in 1990 when the band released No Prayer For The Dying because the title of the mysterious song was something like Run Silent Run Deep. I'm sorry but my memory is not as good as it used to be... :D
This story also suggests that the song was excluded at the very last moment. I've always been wondering why the hell it did not surface as a b-side for example.
I still have the interview somewhere. It's written in French however... :innocent:
So, I'm sort of wondering if Adrian wrote the Satellite portion and Steve the Final Frontier part.  As Final Frontier is pretty simple even for a Smith song.

I guess time will tell why they decided to merge the two, but everything I've read points to them being two totally different pieces.

Less than 4 weeks until release!
that interview is on the commentary. It is one of the most intresting on the site because of how much the album changed when it came out. For example Bruce said there was a very complex instrumental and no epics.
I just realized I'll be returning to Trondheim after my summer vacation on the very same day the album comes out. This means the very first thing I'll do when returning, is buy the new album and listen to it all evening  :D I guess that will make the transition from vacation to work even better.

Forostar said:
In 1986-1988 Adrian sure was motivated in the studio (and the songwriting process that goes with it), he only disliked the long tours. 1989/1990 was something else. When asked, he wasn't sure if he wanted to be in Maiden, thus the band decided for him.

Hmm. Thanks.

On a completely different note: Do anyone else feel that Maiden are sort of teasing us (the fans) with some of their album and song titles lately? I mean - Dance of Death does hint just a little towards the end. The Legacy had some people thinking "this is it, then", and those same speculations came up for The Final Frontier. Now, they have confirmed this is not their last album, but still ... just a very random thought.
i remember reading an interview with Nicko where he said that they wanted to call the album Legacy but they didn't want people to think that it would be thier last album. Really makes you wonder with TFF.
Song Writing Credits on The Final Frontier

You may all know this already, apologies if so:

01. Satellite 15....The Final Frontier (Smith/Harris) (8:40)
02. El Dorado (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (6:49)
03. Mother Of Mercy (Smith/Harris) (5:20)
04. Coming Home (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (5:52)
05. The Alchemist (Gers/Harris/Dickinson) (4:29)
06. Isle Of Avalon (Smith/Harris) (9:06)
07. Starblind (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (7:48)
08. The Talisman (Gers/Harris) (9:03)
09. The Man Who Would Be King (Murray/Harris) (8:28)
10. When The Wild Wind Blows (Harris) (10:59
I wonder if they would even tell us that TFF is planned to be their last - the band has always agreed that they want to continue to be relevant and celebrate new music - perhaps Steve and company want to release this material and tour without the fans being aware of a pending end? I could see an announcement coming later on contrary to what has already been said. You can't see a title like"The final Frontier" and not think that somewhere in the band's mentality is that this very well could be the last one.

I would suspect we'll see another album if the guys are driven to do so, but that TFF is appropriately titled in case they decide against.
Re: Song Writing Credits on The Final Frontier

Hottysmiff said:
You may all know this already, apologies if so:

01. Satellite 15....The Final Frontier (Smith/Harris) (8:40)
02. El Dorado (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (6:49)
03. Mother Of Mercy (Smith/Harris) (5:20)
04. Coming Home (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (5:52)
05. The Alchemist (Gers/Harris/Dickinson) (4:29)
06. Isle Of Avalon (Smith/Harris) (9:06)
07. Starblind (Smith/Harris/Dickinson) (7:48)
08. The Talisman (Gers/Harris) (9:03)
09. The Man Who Would Be King (Murray/Harris) (8:28)
10. When The Wild Wind Blows (Harris) (10:59

Yes, we all already know that...
On those scans from Rock Hard mag JackKnife posted, Bruce said they wanted to experiment a lot really on The Final Frontier 'cos it might very well (bad, actually) be their last studio album. (Please, someone translate those scans. It seems to have a lot of valid info there); about the spoiler tags, I add them 'cos I'm of the time when the band(s) released albums and you just didn't know what was coming. I myself, even being a fan since 1985, read the reviews, listened to both new songs, but I know a lot of people like to keep all as it always been, and after all, it's a community and must there be several ways for people to choose from on how they want to use it.

Another spoiler for you, my friends -

Hey NightmareEddie, just in time. :D
lol... I managed to keep my scoop for a couple minutes though. should I spoiler tag it?
I thought a url wouldn't be considered a spoiler...
Damn, I'm loving the single covers for this album.  Both Final Frontier and El Dorado were awesome.
What does the little caption read? The image is a poor quality and my eyesight is bad . . . *sigh* I like that they're following the same theme as El Dorado 
GuineaPig said:
So, apparently H has six co-writes this album.  He also says that Satellite 15 is his, and that it came to him while fishing!

I think he talks about the intro of that song. Do I read that he had tons of ideas when he was fishing in France or was it only that demo? Man, he should fish more often then. :)
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