New album: The Final Frontier!

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mozzle said:
The more reviews I read, the more excited I get about Coming Home, and Starblind

Agreed! Most reviews seem to say that Coming Home will be spectacular live, hopefully Maiden adds it to their next tour once the album is out (where i'm sure we'll get a healthy dose of TFF).
I really hope that The Final Frontier is a mix of DoD and AMOLAD, meaning it is as consistent as AMOLAD and contains as superb epics as are on the DoD :yey:
the reason why i have such a high hope for this outcome is that the album reviews have praised TFF and the album has 2 songs written by pairs who wrote the 2 masterpieces on DoD
what do you think?
So, we're coming up to the 3 week mark. I wonder what we'll get next? A 3rd new song or audio samples of the full album? With AMOLAD, did we get all 3 songs before or after the audio samples were made available? And I wonder how far in advance they were available?
track-by-track review of The Final Frontier from
EPK - Eletronic Press Kit. The band's been doing it since Fear Of The Dark (it's the interviews contained on Death On The Road and on AMOLAD special edition with DVD).
Thanks for the explanation. I see that if I had read the small print on the pre-order page, I would have known it.

Also, I wonder what the game Mission II: Rescue & Revenge will be like and what part 1 is like. Has anyone ever played it?
Looks like we are getting a more experimental Maiden album than usual.
Im also getting more and more excited about this album!!!
As far as I remember, every Maiden album (perhaps other bands, too) get released some place on the friday before the official Monday release date. AMOLAD official release date is August 28th 2006, but in Germany and Austria, it was pre-released on friday, August 25th, and it leaked on August 23rd 'cos I downloaded it on this very day.

So, by August 10th The Final Frontier will probably be leaked.
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