New album: The Final Frontier!

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Jeffmetal said:
It'd be great if you did this and also, please, could you translate it, too? :)

to Jeffmetal, The Clairvoyant and others:

Here it is!

I'm sorry but I can't completely translate the paper because i) I'm not very good at translation and ii) It is a huge work and I don't have the time.
BUT I can extract meaningful information for you:

Apart from the typical promo stuff, this paper contains a few interesting information:

1) The journalists have discussed with Sam Dunn and Scott McFayden (Flight 666) and they explained they were currently filming Iron Maiden's show with the aim to release a live DVD later (2011?). This may not be that surprising but it is an interesting information for everybody at maidenfans!

2) There is a long interview with Adrian and Dave in which Adrian tells how much he loves writing songs. Both guitarists describe the way the band works and tell that all songs are always edited and improved by Steve, who also have the power to reject any idea he doesn't like. We already knew the importance of Steve in the writing process (!!!)  but in this interview, the guys clearly describe a non-democratic process.

The paper features a second interview with Bruce. The singer gives some details on the way he recorded his vocals.  
He explains that The Talisman has been recorded almost completely in one take.
Bruce also explained how much he loved Dio who strongly contributed to Bruce's love for singing.


RockHard issue 101 (French edition) summer 2010 (click to enlarge).

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Great stuff, JackKnife! Have a praise!

BTW, Steve having the decisional power to turn a song down if he doesn't like it! :blink: He's like a permanent member of Iron Maiden's security council with veto power! :D
So, apparently H has six co-writes this album.  He also says that Satellite 15 is his, and that it came to him while fishing!
Forostar said:
Heh, that sounds pretty critical, not?
I Imagine it would get pretty frustrating, having your creativity stifled. Having your own ideas being changed by one member who is constantly calling all of the shots for over 30 years. Granted it's Steve's band, so if he wants final say, well he can have it. It's his right.

On the other hand, Steve should just lighten up a bit. (he often comes across as a control freak at times, everything has to be his way, and that's not always for the better. Rock in Rio editing is just one example.
Well, perhaps that's why Adrian left after SSOASS, because Steve had decided that the raw style would be the next direction of the band and there was no way around it.

I guess the terms and conditions were pretty clearly laid out when the two returned to the band so that no one would have any problems with it again.
Hey, JackKnife, thanx very much for that. This thing of Steve controling everything surely prevented a few Maiden albums from being the way most fans desire - faster, heavier and less repetitve.
Ranko said:
Well, perhaps that's why Adrian left after SSOASS, because Steve had decided that the raw style would be the next direction of the band and there was no way around it.

I guess the terms and conditions were pretty clearly laid out when the two returned to the band so that no one would have any problems with it again.

I wonder when Adrian made up his mind. Was it on the 7th Son tour or was it after the band had sat down to write No Prayer. The fact that Hooks in You is on there suggests Adrian had at least sat down to write.
Robbiedbee said:
I wonder when Adrian made up his mind. Was it on the 7th Son tour or was it after the band had sat down to write No Prayer. The fact that Hooks in You is on there suggests Adrian had at least sat down to write.

The official version of events (i.e. the official band biography) also says that he stayed on during the writing sessions for NPFTD, but decided to leave because of "musical differences". He was also apparently rather unhappy during the SIT and SSOASS tours, all the years on the road must have worn him out.
If you listen to ASAP…it's a lot closer to what Maiden is doing now than what they were doing in the 80s.
i remember some backstage footage from the SIT tour and H looked really unhappy
Ranko said:
The official version of events (i.e. the official band biography) also says that he stayed on during the writing sessions for NPFTD, but decided to leave because of "musical differences". He was also apparently rather unhappy during the SIT and SSOASS tours, all the years on the road must have worn him out.

If that is right, it makes it more impressive that he made some of his best contributions to the Maiden catalogue during those years (Wasted Years, Sea of Madness, SIASL, Moonchild, The Evil That Men Do). Coming up with that great stuff when one is not really motivated, is no small achievement.
Ranko said:
Great stuff, JackKnife! Have a praise!

BTW, Steve having the decisional power to turn a song down if he doesn't like it! :blink: He's like a permanent member of Iron Maiden's security council with veto power! :D
I wonder how much stuff has been turned down that we'll never hear. I bet there's some amazing material in there.
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