New album: The Final Frontier!

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Re: Metal Hammer Reviews The Final Frontier

Hm... Sounds like an idea, but the problem is, most of the other reviews are in a different language. This is one of the few, if any, reviews that are in English, which makes it worthy of its own topic, in my opinion.
I'm trying to avoid all spoilers. I want to be blown away by the album next month, and don't want to hear any of the new material till then.

I know it's gonna be great!  :yey:
Ranko said:
Something in the vein of Mars Within or Toltec 7 Arrival from Bruce's solo albums.
mars within was more spoken word tho not much emphasis on the guitar and drums where it looks like satelite 15 will be the opposite. Now i want to listen to TOS :lol:
Thanks Jeff,  another good preview. Once again we have another person who thinks
Isle of Avalon
Is something special
mozzle said:
Thanks Jeff,  another good preview. Once again we have another person who thinks
Isle of Avalon
Is something special
                            how is that a spoiler? I want to know just in case i do the same thing :halo: :S
Most everything is a spoiler around here when it comes to the new album or current tour. They threatened to ban me because I wrote the meaning of Steve's shirt:
Whale Oil Beef Hooked = Well I'll be fucked
After the realization that news on Iron Maiden's Homepage was a spoiler on here, well I put everything in spoiler tags.

Sorry if I sound like a cynical douche. I love these forums, and I think they're well worth the over-the-top spoiler rules.  :)
Ranko said:
A quote from the album review: "As always, thanks in part to Kevin Shirley's vibrant production, Iron Maiden sound terrific [...]" I hope this isn't just the normal sucking up and that he really managed to get it all together this time.

I thought the last few Maiden cds sounded great. If they stay on that production, The Final Frontier will sound fantastic!
In my opinion, Dance of Death sounded like crap, AMOLAD was better, but BNW has a nice warm sound to it, definitely the best one among the recents.
As far as production goes, AMOLAD although technically good, isn't my style. I can appreciate it, but at the same time, that whole live in studio, raw sounding type of album isn't my thing. 

From the reunion albums I prefer Brave New World. Dance of Death is a joke. A shame really. I hope one day we'll get a re-release of Dance of Death.

From the two Final Frontier songs we've heard so far. It's sounding similar to AMOLAD
mozzle said:
From the reunion albums I prefer Brave New World. Dance of Death is a joke. A shame really. I hope one day we'll get a re-release of Dance of Death.

See, I don't think the production is to fault for DoD. Let's face it - Paschenfuckingdale is amazing, godly, divine, and it's mixed in much the same way.
Here's the cover of Hard Rock (French edition) issue #101 (summer 2010) featuring Iron Maiden.

Uploaded with

The journal contains an joint interview with Adrian and Dave plus a second interview with Bruce. The guys explain how the band write new material and Bruce explains how Steve fully controls every aspect of Maiden's creative activity. I may post the whole article if anybody is interested in a paper written in French.
LooseCannon said:
See, I don't think the production is to fault for DoD. Let's face it - Paschenfuckingdale is amazing, godly, divine, and it's mixed in much the same way.
Ya. I LOVE DoD! The production doesn't bother me at all.
Ranko said:
Everyone should decide for themselves whether they like something or not.

This!!!  It always cracks me up when people argue about which song or band is better. It is a personal experience much like food, art, etc...
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