New album: The Final Frontier!

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they recorded Space Truckin' during AMOLAD sessions... but 4 years pass, and we doesn't hear it, also as Tush and Angel Of Death
Dominocracy said:
I don't know about that. It's true that Bruce has lost a lot of his higher register, but his full voice is still very strong. I don't see why he couldn't pull off a more than respectable rendition of Highway Star or something. He certainly has more than enough voice for it, plus he can still do those types of screams as well. The screaming is hit or miss live, but the fact that there are still hits tells me that pulling it off in the studio would be very doable for him. I'd very much like to hear that.

Now the one I'd give my left testicle to hear Bruce sing would definitely be Child in Time. Probably too much to ask considering the unending hell he's put his voice through over the years, but still.

I didn't say he couldn't do Highway Star. I was talking about Child In Time. BIG difference.
Revelationer said:
they recorded Space Truckin' during AMOLAD sessions... but 4 years pass, and we doesn't hear it, also as Tush and Angel Of Death
As in Slayer's Angel Of Death? I can't picture Maiden doing a cover of them. That would be VERY interesting to hear!
fans of Iron Maiden could be destabilized
Hmmmmmm, not sure if that's a good thing.
You can see the name of the songs on the bottom of a list on a computer screen on Making Of AMOLAD DVD. It was mentioned on some interview back in 2006, too.
I'll take it as a big surprise. And judging by the review from Metallian magazine, that's what actually is, indeed.
It actually sounds like a bad thing because destabilize means:
To upset the stability or smooth functioning of

Here's the actual thread with Jon Horse who got to listen to the new album:
Maybe it's really really heavy and atonal, which is something Maiden don't use in their harmony vocabulary. So it would destabilize the common Maiden fan, used to correctness. I love atonal music, like in Death Metal, and in the aggressive types of Metal I dig and some classical music, which contains a lot of atonality.
So when and if it leaks... who will listen to it? I think I might give one song a listen and leave the rest of the album as a surprise. I think I'll listen to "The Man Who Would Be King".
Travis_AKA_fonzbear2000 said:
It might not be bogus because other albums have audio samples. I think it's a pre-order.

Oh! In this case, you're right.

I won't download the leak. Going to wake up early on August 16th and go straight to the record store on a nearby town and get it. I believe the leak will happen on August 9th or 10th. Some stores (CD Universe) in the U.S.A. were trying to push the release to August 10th.
Hmmmmm, anyone on here willing to take the financial risk to find out for sure? :)
Here's something interesting. When I Google this: ... tnG=Search , I get this in the search:

See where it says "Starblind mixes vibrant and mastered percussions by Nicko..."? Well, If I click the link, I don't get that text. If anyone can somehow get the entire article that it comes from and could post it, that would be great.
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