New album: The Final Frontier!

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My biggest fear is not being able to stop myself from downloading it before it's available.  It's such a struggle.  If the album showed up on torrent sites tomorrow, could I wait?  It's still a month!  I'd still buy the album regardless, but hearing it earlier is often too tempting.  I'm hoping it doesn't leak, so I don't have to rely on my weak willed self.  I really want to experience it brand new in the packaging.  Alas....when it comes to Maiden I am not a strong man...
Iron Maiden is by far my favorite band.  There really is not much better than sitting down with a new album by your favorite band and cranking it on the stereo for the first time and you thumb through the booklet and read the lyrics.  I'm not cheapening what may be (key word is MAY) my favorite bands's last album by listening to a leaked version.  I've waited nearly 4 years for new Maiden songs, I can wait a few days.
Donner said:
I'm not cheapening what may be (key word is MAY) my favorite bands's last album by listening to a leaked version.
it has been confirmed that this wont be maidens last albvm ;)
Donner said:
Iron Maiden is by far my favorite band.  There really is not much better than sitting down with a new album by your favorite band and cranking it on the stereo for the first time and you thumb through the booklet and read the lyrics.  I'm not cheapening what may be (key word is MAY) my favorite bands's last album by listening to a leaked version.  I've waited nearly 4 years for new Maiden songs, I can wait a few days.

I agree with you 100%!!  Unfortunately my will power may not be a strong as yours.  :innocent:
hockeyguy666 said:
it has been confirmed that this wont be maidens last albvm ;)

I've seen that, but hey, things happen.  The only thing we know for sure is that The Final Frontier will be out in August.  Anything beyond that is just speculation.
A new french review. Didn't read it fully myself yet, but it seems it's like those stupid jackass kids who don't know nothing of real music and couldn't write a review like a thinking person would do. It's even sadder that were two minds. ... e-2821.htm

On Wednesday, July 7th, 2010, the press was invited warmly to come to listen to the new album of Iron Maiden, The Final Frontier, to the fifteenth effort studio of the group in thirty-five years of career. Listening took place at EMI, the home of discs of the English. At the entrance of the room of conference, this does not have fun: contract to be signed and passage in the metal detector for everybody. On about fifty present journalists, they point out fast that the average of age is not in about twenty and that the female gente is not really majority. In the bar, whole pack ice of beers is in discretion, what seems to make happy everybody. The last to arrive once pasts in the fine riddle, listening can finally start. To MusiqueMag, we decided to go for two there: on the one hand Olivier, journalist who knows Iron Maiden well and who has already interviewed the members of the group again and again; of the other William, editor whose musical tastes have never crossed the way of the band to Steve Harris. Column of their impressions with hot title by title.

01. "Satellite 15 ... The Final Frontier" [8]

Oliver: Wow! It starts with an intro worthy of a mix between Alien and Terminator. From the first seconds, Iron Maiden shows a galactic his ambitious The Final Frontier. The 2010 Eddie will be a half-alien zombie, half-cyborg. Nicko McBrain we hammered a long intro, tribal history, noting that for his 15th adventure, Iron Maiden, like the Star Trek crew, preparing to let us travel across borders. The 8'40 "is epic wish. Divided into three parts," Satellite 15 ... "ends with a chase during which Bruce Dickinson sings at least thirty times in a row" The Final Frontier! "Story that clearly understand the title of the disc. An entry in rather successful.

William: Iron Maiden would he choose to do without singer on this new album? It's three minutes that the piece started and still no trace sound of Bruce Dickinson. Finally, the singer and her high-pitched voice is definitely there and despite the length of the track, the song goes pretty well. Very good.

02. "El Dorado" [6]

Guillaume: The connection with "El Dorado" is immediate. Fortunately there is a giant screen that displays the names of songs, otherwise I would not have caught it had changed its tune. Oliver begins to stomp. Surely a sign that it is a good title ... Unless it is because he already knows the song that is a free download for several days.

Olivier: "El Dorado" is actually known to the fans for having been offered free of charge on the group's website. Another way in several parts. It starts with the bass of Steve Harris before embarking on a series of riffs very AC / DC quite surprising on the part of Iron Maiden. Especially since Bruce flips his words with an "I Got To Tell You A Story". A reference to "Whole Lotta Rosie"? The rest is not too bad. It speaks of pyramid gold with processions of the Three Musketeers solo Jannick Gers, Adrian Smith and Dave Murray. Dickinson will pay even a demonic laugh right in verse.

03. "Mother of Mercy" [5]

Olivier: Intro arpeggio. Atmosphere "I'm a sailor and I'm going to fight the sea witch." You can almost hear the bagpipes Breton for it! Bruce Dickinson sends the tremolo he can. So much so that he would dirty up the habit. The Final Frontier promises to be the album's most progressive metal of Iron Maiden. But he can not be removed early this disc a certain desire to renew.

William: This title lasts only 5'20 ", which according to my initial findings should be the equivalent of 3'30" standard of almost all other groups in the world. The three guitars (my neighbor connoisseur who blew me) are riding less on this song that keeps my attention less than the first two.

04. "Coming Home" [5]

Guillaume: The verse of "Coming Home" could easily be on a tour of Guns N'Roses. With this kind of song I realize how bands like Avenged Sevenfold are all pumped about Iron Maiden.

Olivier: Intro to Metallica before going into some arpeggios to Guns N'Roses. The chorus will take a swaying leaves impulsive. "Coming Home" seems far the worst album title. Iron Maiden is still making tons. Sometimes a little free. The purification, we do not know from Steve Harris.

05. "The Alchemist" [4]

Olivier: "The Alchemist" is the album's most direct and most immediate of The Final Frontier. Maiden plays the card of eighties. We think the first album the band with Bruce Dickinson. "The Alchemist" gives almost tempted to leave for Fort Boyard, pull the beard that big rascal Father Fourras then face the tarantulas hand in hand with Passe-Partout.

William: Even thought the previous track that it seems as though the intro to "The Alchemist" was repeated dozens of times by groups like Bullet For My company and Valentine. Even though I've never heard any album from Iron Maiden, it is clear that a package of new groups inspired by it greatly, sometimes even at the limit of plagiarism.

06. "Isle of Avalon" [9]

Guillaume: The record company just installed the sideboard behind the rows of seats. Curiously, most of our colleagues leave their pens for Calpine and go check if the sound is as good at the back of the room. They joined.

Olivier: Room hinge album, "Isle of Avalon" is not in half measures. A song that certainly requires a few listens before fully unfold. Suddenly, you feel a bit lost in this intergalactic trip. In nine minutes, William has had time to go three times to the buffet of mini burgers offered by EMI.

07. "Starblind" [7]

Olivier: "Starblind" sounds like an extension of "Isle of Avalon". It is useless trying to follow, one begins to have dizzy. The lack of guidance begins to be evident. Romain Perrot, Mixer Magazine my colleague sitting to my left, wrote "Drumming is very interesting" on his sheet. I find that Nicko Mc Brain have a beautiful nose of a boxer becoming more assertive, he always knows best swing big potatoes. The Rocky british heavy metal after all. William did not know what to write. Suddenly, it pumps also notes Romain.

William: After a quick calculation, a title of Iron Maiden takes on average between 6 and 7 minutes. I scribble on my paper and I realize I do not have much else to say about this song. I cast a glance at the notes Romain Perrot wrote "Very interesting". "Starblind" is a very interesting piece.

08. "The Talisman" [9]

William: Here, just the way it is quite bad enough. The intro is similar to the lament of a minstrel. The joke lasted two minutes and then suddenly the group sends the sauce. I'm back for a fantastic ride for 6 minutes. For my part, I ride toward the fantastic buffet where there are some mini-quiches ...

Olivier: Giddy is a series in which young Australian girls in flower s'amourrachent horses at the long tail. Giddy could also have been the subtitle for this eighth piece that moves the shoe. It is almost like at Longchamps. After an introduction to middle-aged type possible, I like the girl sings for the castle, Iron Maiden sends the great cavalry as he knows so well done. But as it lasts nine minutes, there's "cliffhanger" galore. Iron Maiden or the art of suspense music.

09. "The Man Who Would Be King" [8]

Olivier: Over the end of the album closer, the more we tell ourselves that The Final Frontier exudes a fragrance progressive seventies would not have denied that King Crimson. The Final Frontier is the anti Lady Gaga. No chorus after thirty seconds. On the contrary. Iron Maiden has chosen the complexity and the hunt. Actually, at this stage, I do not know what to think. My compass is out of order and I come to regret not taking drugs. Iron Maiden is in intergalactic travel but I'm afraid of staying in port, only like an idiot.

Guillaume Olivier seem to appreciate his fruit salad. "The Man Who Would Be King" is a song which I do fairly incidental retain almost nothing at the end of eight minutes. My page is blank. I did not notice anything except that Oliver just finished his fruit salad.

10. "When The Wild Wind Blows" [10]

William: It spoils severely with this latest title. The intro song like "I give you" from Jean-Jacques Goldman and the chorus might be of Matmatah if the words were in French. Not easy at all to finish ...

Olivier: In the great tradition of Iron Maiden, every album ends with the epic Supreme Court: the track of more than ten minutes. Just as much as some other of their records, we waited impatiently, as here, in light of the foregoing, we come to dread. Here, this tenth title serves festnoz apocalyptic. It starts happily as a soundtrack for the final banquet scenes Asterix and Obelix. Then came the race to the note and the surging breaks of any kind. So much so that one has the impression of being passed through a wringer when AC stops.


Olivier: The Final Frontier is not an easy album. It's the least we can say. With its average of 7 minutes per song, Iron Maiden has rarely been so progressive. To think he wants to get Dream Theater to Nirvana. Each title is conceived as an epic with its different levels of plays and parallel universes. Sometimes they remind Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son without the melodic strength of the latter. In this great catch-all music is what is missing: the melodic hooks. The Final Frontier is not without success but after listening, one gets the impression that there is no driver in this spaceship. As if each musician was left to himself. Trying too hard to make, Iron Maiden fans risk losing the least "musicologists". What stop us from singing "I'm running free!" during the next tour. Because Iron Maiden, is a bit like Sylvester Stallone. He might have signed a package of films shit, you're always happy to find it.

William: I am more hungry. Thank you.

Will-I-Am and other friends, help with the corrections when you're available.

Also, new interview with Steve - ... -frontier/
I finished reading this mound of crap! Really detestable review and on the review's introduction they mention that one of these moronic jackasses is a real Maiden fan. If they had showed they didn't like the record with substantiated opinions, fine, but these idiots didn't give a single hint about the musicality of The Final Frontier, obviously because they don't know a turd about Maiden and Metal or because they knew they'd atract a lot of attention and comments on their website by acting like complete idiots, and worse of all, with no fun at all.

My dick knows more about Maiden than this couple of close minded fags.
I agree with all you've said there Jeff.  But how in God's name do you get to say all that and not have the Mods on your, ughh, backside?  I get Written threats in my email if I say the word, well, I can't say iti!!  Anywho, yes those critics [I use the term lightly] appear to be as queer as a three dollar bill and know as much about Maiden as I do any Hip Hop, and that is absolutely Nothing!  Those two do appear to be in a relationship with each other and have had there manhood stripped at some point. On  A bright point, Maiden was called the "Anti Lady Gaga", that is the nicest thing you can say about a musician.  UTI BABY. Cant wait for my own listen!!
bornless1 said:
I do any Hip Hop, and that is absolutely Nothing! [/qoute]                                                                                                          and i would be quite proud of that  :S
Seems like those guys were more interested in stuffing their faces than listening to a Maiden record. 
Another song and the video clip on 13th of July!
That new hilarious!  I got nothing from it about the new album, but it was like reading a script from Borat.
Wow, the video for, I imagine, "Satellite 15... The Final Frontier" will be the first ever decent Maiden video!

Check out Eddie getting up in that one shot from 0:28 to 0:32! That's really cool!
Ranko said:
Wow, the video for, I imagine, "Satellite 15... The Final Frontier" will be the first ever decent Maiden video!

Check out Eddie getting up in that one shot from 0:28 to 0:32! That's really cool!

That's exactly what I was thinking!  Maiden have a history of horrible and cheesy videos.  Aces High is good though, and any one where they rely on war video clips.  But the computer generated ones are poor, and become graphically outdated too soon for their own good. 
Ahhh crap! I'm going to be up north with no internet or electricity from the 15th to the 19th. If that is the video for the song I'm already extremely impressed!
Prisoner Of Maiden said:
Ahhh crap! I'm going to be up north with no internet or electricity from the 15th to the 19th. If that is the video for the song I'm already extremely impressed!

If I understand this correctly, you are without electricity for 4 days....nevermind the internet....and your concern is not watching the new Maiden video?  That is awesome!!!!  :rocker:
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