make up a lie about the previous poster

No its is not. Which would imply that it is, from which in turn one would have to believe that it is not, except that means that it is.

The Aftermath.
The cover of The X Factor gave Wogmidget nightmares when he was a mere 3 years of age. Since then, he has always experienced post-traumatic stress disorder when he views it, often taking days to recover. As such, he has never listened to the album's actual content, and merely hates it for how badly that cover has fucked-up his life.
Whenever MW564 is on a commercial flight, he tries to find out how many degrees of turbulence he'll experience

(And, yes, I am aware that's not how turbulence works)
MW564 actually stands for Mad World 564, and it's just another experiment by the US government (named that way due to them all secretly being Tears for Fears fanboys) to develop an AI (for unknown reasons) that'll eventually rule over the entire universe. If that fails, we'll then get MW565 (it's rumored to enter the forum by the end of next week).