make up a lie about the previous poster

Make it handy to post online. :ok:

In the meantime, Cried is a divorced steam shovel who wears a bucket on his funnel. This is why he has congestion issues.
Cried is a black belt in Judo and was Scottish Junior Tap Dancing Champion when he was a teenager. He uses both skills to spectacular effect.
Just message me with the ones you need or I’ll send the entire stats to you via PMs tonight.
Well, I've actually been thinking of posting a full ranking of all the songs as a bonus - not just the first 20. So the entire stats would actually come in handy for me! I'd really appreciate if you could send me.
Well, I've actually been thinking of posting a full ranking of all the songs as a bonus - not just the first 20. So the entire stats would actually come in handy for me! I'd really appreciate if you could send me.
Will do it tonight!

Number 6 is secretly Number 7, having taken 6’s identity after he fell in the war. He keeps wondering if his decision was the right one.
Brig is, in fact, the grim reaper. She killed the original one for the role in ‘92 but thanks to laziness has let her duties slip.
Cried actually celebrated when Bruce left, because he's such a huge fan of Blaze he has 3 shrines dedicated to him and sacrifices sheep to Blaze every full moon
Cried actually died when Brucie left, and this is why LC can't bring himself to ban the bugger. He doesn't want to be haunted by Cried for the rest of his years if he does!