Maiden's Heaviest Song?

Live, Fortunes of War is about as heavy as they get.
SneakySneaky said:
It was Murray's choice.  He didn't want to give a bad example to the young ones. :D 

HAHA,  got you H fans!!!  (Yax I expect some praises here  :P)
That's right, my dear inquisitor. Keep on converting the heathens! May the grace of Murray and Gers be with you.
SneakySneaky said:
And Gers?  When was he added? :huh:
When the Churches of Gers and Murray united against the Church of H. We call the alliance "the Church of the Two Great Axemen".
SneakySneaky said:
Ah,  and who's head of the Gers church?
I don't think they have a formal leader but Deano is the one that sealed the deal as far as I can recall.
You don't think that Phantom of the Opera is heavy with all those rhythmic changes ?
Are we talking studio versions here?  Because live (especially these days) a lot of songs sound much heavier.  Trooper and Phantom of the opera come to mind.  Still I think their heaviest songs are in DoD and AMOLAD.  Montsegur and BTATS I believe are the heaviest ones.
SneakySneaky said:
Are we talking studio versions here?  Because live (especially these days) a lot of songs sound much heavier.  Trooper and Phantom of the opera come to mind.

And ofcourse Fear of the Dark is a prominent example for this phenomenon.
Habberdasher said:
Heavies song has to Hallowed Be Thy Name.

He's waiting in his cold cell about to die. Doesn't get any heavier than that, man.

What about building a missiles in a nation's defence but not being able to give birthday presents? :p
Moonchild has always been one of my fav heavy tracks. i agree AMOLAD is probably their heaviest (and best!!) collective record. Other standout heavy tracks for me are 22 Acacia Avenue (H feckin rocks live on this one), The Duellists and of course I love the riff to Back In the Village.
Back in the Village said:
Moonchild has always been one of my fav heavy tracks. i agree AMOLAD is probably their heaviest (and best!!) collective record. Other standout heavy tracks for me are 22 Acacia Avenue (H feckin rocks live on this one), The Duellists and of course I love the riff to Back In the Village.

Moonchild for sure. Wonder if it would sound even heavier without the keyboards.

Also Face in the Sand just pummels you after the relatively light intro.
Forostar said:
I nominate Wasted for that function, hence (one of) his first post(s) he made on this forum.

I'll take up that gauntlet!  Especially since Deano isn't here to assist-- we'll name him some sort of roving missionary-- with a gun.
Some of the songs sound heavier live because H uses a guitar that is tuned to Dropped-D which basically means tuning the low E string down one whole step to D, this means that power chords can be played using just one finger and the resulting sound tends to be alot heavier than using standard EADGBE tuning, especially on an open D chord. As for heaviest song i'm going for as SMX would put it, Paschenfuckingdale for both lyrics and musical content