Satellite 15 vs Futureal
Final Frontier vs The Angel and the Gambler
El Dorado vs Lightning Strikes Twice
Mother of Mercy vs The Clansman
Coming Home vs Virus
The Alchemist vs When Two Worlds Collide
Isle of Avalon vs The Educated Fool
Starblind vs Don't Look to the Eyes of a Stranger
The Talisman vs Judgement Day
The Man Who Would Be King vs Justice of the Peace
When the Wild Wind Blows vs Como Estais Amigos
6-5 Virtual XI. I used to rank TFF higher and, indeed, it was Number 1 when it came out but it has not aged well whereas VXI has gone up in my estimation. There's issues with production and lyrics, for me but I'm still more likely to listen to it than TFF. Both are pretty low on the list, though.
Lightning Strikes Twice is class, despite the shite lyrics. El Dorado is fun enough but Lightning Strikes could (should) have been a classic.
Coming Home has great moments, in particular the instrumental bit but the main riff pisses me off. Something about it makes me want to vomit. Great lyrics, though. Virus is maybe a bit standard and cheesy but I love it. It has everything I love about Maiden. Easy choice.
Big fan of Mother of Mercy, despite its clunky bridge but it had a tough draw.
Avalon & Starblind piss me off. They really kill the listening experience of this album. Great bits in both, interesting and different but overall, neither work for me as whole (long) songs. Educated Fool is the best song on either of these albums. The run out on Eyes of a Stranger just shades the interesting parts of Starblind.