Until we get deeper into the game, it's hard to make an educated guess and nomination. So I'll break down my current thought process by the actions so far...
A few people's first posts were immediate nominations or seconds, which is incredibly suspicious:
- RTC, Collin, Mosh, Unknown One, Night Prowler.
A few people are posting occasionally, but only in a short, humorous manner, which could definitely be suspicious:
- Perun, Ariana, Brig, myself.
A few people are making long, elaborate posts full of information/disinformation:
- RTC, Cornfed, SMX.
- Travis has put a noose around his neck.
- Stardust is being Stardust and currently living in a dialogue-based role-playing game. This is either suspicious or totally normal. Haven't decided yet.
- mckindog is playing the fool, which is also very suspicious at this stage.
Considering RTC appears in two of those categories, I'm leaning towards a nomination there, but I haven't decided yet.
The mafia could be trying one of two strategies here:
1. Talk a lot. Deceive. Inveigle. Obfuscate. (Leads me to believe mafia members could be RTC, Cornfed, or SMX at this point)
2. Talk very little. Hide in plain sight. (Leads me to believe mafia members could be almost anyone else)