Since there are so many new players, I'm guessing that at least one or two mods are Mafia, as they already have offline discussions anyway and it's easy to discuss amongst themselves. So, SMX is a reasonable guess, as is Perun and NP.
Nope. Haven't checked the forum or communicated with anyone since my last post.
Being new to this sort of thing, I feel like I should throw some wild unfounded accusations around.
Ariana is immune to the Rush Bias that has got hold of the rest of us. Clearly her mind is clouded and we should not trust her.
Brigantium has a Latin name but lives in England. Evidently an infiltrator with an agenda.
Collin was seen with a box of batteries, two magnets and blueprints. He's building something dangerous.
Cornfed Hick is a lawyer. Enough reason to kill him right there.
mckindog makes all our sentences look wrong because he didn't start his name with a capital letter. Mr. DICKtionary is twitching.
Mosh can't play an F minor scale at 160 bpm faster than I can. Kill him so he can practice more.
MrKnickerbocker is neither a knicker nor a bocker. Discuss.
Night Prowler is awake all night all the time. Probably an assassin.
Perun would kill to have his degree done with. Too dangerous to be left alive.
RTC rushes to judgement. This proves he has inside information and is a cheater.
SinisterMinisterX is the only sure villager. I wouldn't trust the lot of ya with a burnt out match.
Stardust is Stardust. I have no clue.
Travis The Dragon is a bandwaggoner. No true Minnesotan is a Packers fan. This is an abomination.
Unknown One is too mysterious. Undoubtedly hiding something.
In the name of all that is Green And Gold, I nominate