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I envy him or her so much.

Awww <3

Random thoughts over lunch: If we didn't have taste-buds, we would only eat healthy food, and never too much.
Suits me fine.

Very good. :D

From my spot right now I can look into a physics lab. It brings me back to my school days, when the bus passed the lab centre, and you could always see something going on in the windows. I always thought they were either building an atom bomb or breeding super soldiers. Come to think of it, I still do. Things are a lot more fascinating if you have no clue what's going on.
Good to know.

Now, I spent three hours translating a text of 14 lines. None of it made any sense, and I could only use the dictionary my own teacher wrote. With a bunch of vocabulary, I know that he will look at me stunned and tell me a completely different meaning than what was in the book, and expect it to have been obvious to me. Bleh. Kurdish sucks.
I once set my hair on fire too. On purpose. As a joke. :nuts2:

Anybody here who likes Sabaton's 2012 concept album Carolus Rex? I enjoy it thoroughly (and I must say, Sabaton are one of the best live bands I've ever seen), at least the version with Swedish lyrics. Or actually, the lyrics sound pretty poor in English, with weird choice of words and at times different meanings to the lines compared wit hthe original Swedish lyrics. It's pretty obvious Brodén wrote them in Swedish first...
Only heard it in English. It took me a while to get into the album, but it's grown on me a lot. Still not as good as the others, and Art of War is definitely the best.
Oh right. And an adult on holiday too then. :D

I'm getting into my Christmas spirit. Halford's christmas CD helps a bit. I can't avoid getting into spirit when the opening track's title is "Get into the spirit", now can I?