Let's try and get 1,000,000 replies to this post

How many years have I been on here? Since 2006? Great year. Maidenfans, started upper secondary school (?) after nine years of elementary, AMOLAD, first Maiden gig (and there's a radio broadcast from my show available), got together with my fiancee. Aaaaaah.

And yes. Painkiller is beyond amazing. My favorite band, along with Maiden.
I don't get why Jugulator is overlooked, and quite often completely disregarded by the metal community, and even the Priest fanbase. It's a killer record, only suffering from average lyrics. The rest of the album makes up for that though. It's to me, one of the best metal albums of the 90's.
I don't get why Jugulator is overlooked, and quite often completely disregarded by the metal community, and even the Priest fanbase. It's a killer record, only suffering from average lyrics. The rest of the album makes up for that though. It's to me, one of the best metal albums of the 90's.
I agree. Though Demolition really is fucking awful. Every single song on it sucks IMO.
I disagree. Half the album varies between good and excellent, while the other half consists of fillers. The album's existence is validated by Hell is Home alone. Awesome track.

Edit: If I would compare it to NPFTD, which I think is Maiden's weakest effort by far, it stands out as an album with greater hights, about as deep lows yet much more consistent.
Eh, I agree with Prowler. Not one good song on Demolition. Jugulator is great though, those songs were even better live.
I saw JP back in 2004 right after Rob rejoined. Truly one of the most amazing shows ever! Queensryche and him doing his solo show opening for Maiden back in 2000 was super great too!
The one night supervisor was talking about shopping and was like "Guess how much I payed for these clothes?" And I'm like $30 and laughed like it was a silly answer because she payed like $100 or something for them. It might be just me but I felt dumb. :lol:

Oh and good morning!
In fact, I feel dumb at the moment because obviously I'm the only one to be dragging my ass to the office halfway across the city, when everybody else is working from home this week. I'll do the same tomorrow.