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Warriors of the Telemark carry Viking blood in veins
Heroes of the northern lands live for evermore!
Anybody here who likes Sabaton's 2012 concept album Carolus Rex? I enjoy it thoroughly (and I must say, Sabaton are one of the best live bands I've ever seen), at least the version with Swedish lyrics. Or actually, the lyrics sound pretty poor in English, with weird choice of words and at times different meanings to the lines compared wit hthe original Swedish lyrics. It's pretty obvious Brodén wrote them in Swedish first...
The album is OK, but nowhere near their previous efforts. Have to agree about Sabaton being one hell of a live band, though.
I don't know, I think it's better in its entirety than the Art of War - Although, while the Art of War has greater high points, Carolus Rex is more consistent.

Edit: I've seen Sabaton three times. One time at Sweden Rock Festival, and two times at Falun Rockstad (the hometown festival they kidna co-founded and always headline). The response they continually get when playing here is overwhelming. Kinda majestic really.
Art of War may just be the best power metal album ever. Provided you don't count 90's Iced Earth to power metal (which I don't).
Having Union (Slopes of St. Benedict) on right now. What a song. I remember doing the jig with a certain Englishman in Boston to that.
I would agree it's one of the best, but I still think it's kinda inconsistent compared to Carolus Rex. I'm quite selective about power metal though, and I also don't place bands like Dio, Iced Earth etc in the power metal genre, which quite a lot people seem to do. Only really listen to Sabaton, Helloween and Gamma Ray (I don't count Primal Fear as power metal either).
I wouldn't know what Dio has to do with power metal. Iced Earth I can understand for the lack of a better label. Although their 90's stuff really is more heavy/thrash. So, the only power metal bands I ever listen to are Sabaton, Powerwolf, Blind Guardian, Alestorm and sometims, very rarely, Grave Digger.
I would think it's because of his lyrical themes, which's been adopted by bands like Rhapsody etc.

So? :huh: Lyrical themes and musical genres are two different things.

Besides, the content of the lyrics of Dio and Rhapsody are worlds apart. There may be similarities on the surface, but that's it.

I envy him or her so much.