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I knew there was something wrong today but couldn't exactly get what it was. I just heard "If I Could Fly" on the radio and the memory emerged.
Well, I don't mind him, in fact.

I tend to have dreams about rock stars, though. I once dreamed about my sister stabbing Steve Harris' shoulder with an umbrella. :confused:
Woah, that's heavy! I once had a dream about sitting in a sports bar(!) and Adrian Smith being my waiter.
You're welcome.

You don't happen to have a dream about Doro slaying a dragon or something like that lying around?
No, sorry.
But I also have one with Rob Halford playing cards and another one with Kerry King shopping in my local supermarket.
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I once had a dream that involved ski jumping and Jürgen Klinsmann.

Ski jumping is cool. Jürgen Klinsman... not so. The weirdest celebrity-related dream I ever had involved a very bad comedian who always does a stupid Hitler impression on TV (in a parody of the German The Office ripoff). Always the same thing, wore off after the second time.

I don't think I saw that.

I once saw a guy in the cafeteria wearing a Slayer t-shirt, and buying a latte macchiato. I really don't know where to begin about how wrong that was. As a Slayer fan, you're supposed to eat iron and shit nails. That guy didn't even look anything like a metalhead to begin with. He probably got that shirt because he thinks that one album is cool and it's something to shock his white, suburban parents with.
Anybody been listening to Halford's winter songs album lately? I put "Oh Holy Night" on at the Christmas party.