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Had my first aerobatic lesson in 30 days today (the club's aerobatic machine has been on the ground for a while due to engine replacement).

It proved that aerobatics training has an expiry date, I found that both my precision and my endurance weren't quite at the level they were a month ago. However, I did manage to fly all the figures in my home-made sequence without major fuck-ups. However I did manage to fly myself slightly sick and gave my instructor the opportunity to show his landing skills.

We've set up another ride tomorrow where we'll practice the same things, and if that goes well, my next flight after that will be the checkride with the chief instructor.

For the curious ones, my 8-figure sequence is as follows:

1 turn spin --> loop --> stall turn --> Immelmann --> flick roll --> split S --> reverse half Cuban 8 --> slow roll.
So pretty much Rolling, turning, diving, going in again :)
So pretty much Rolling, turning, diving, going in again :)
More or less. Except you would probably not take the time to do a spin in a combat situation. After all, it requires you to slow to your stall speed. :smartarse: I'm not sure about the stall turn in a dogfight either. It looks cool and is fun to fly, but it does make you a slow target for several seconds.
More or less. Except you would probably not take the time to do a spin in a combat situation. After all, it requires you to slow to your stall speed. :smartarse: I'm not sure about the stall turn in a dogfight either. It looks cool and is fun to fly, but it does make you a slow target for several seconds.
I think that is addressed by
Roll over, spin 'round to come in behind them
Move to their blindsides and firing again

When you suddenly realize, after all those years, that Bathory's Gods Of Thunder Of Wind And Of Rain has Venom's Countess Bathory main riff...
The best was people not downloading the covid track and trace app, despite them probably having given the same privileges to every other app on their phone.
Of course the biggest problem with it is simply the fact that you have to have a brand new phone and fairly high spec phone to get the app. I'm increasingly convinced that Apple and co got the government by the short and curlies on this, hence the original government-developed app 'didn't work' on most devices.
Of course the biggest problem with it is simply the fact that you have to have a brand new phone and fairly high spec phone to get the app. I'm increasingly convinced that Apple and co got the government by the short and curlies on this, hence the original government-developed app 'didn't work' on most devices.

Yep I got a new phone recently, not paticularly high end or anything, but my previous phone was maybe 5 years old and I couldn't get the covid app.